March 27, 2025

Worship and Prayer in the Park!

Worship and Prayer in the Park! This Saturday, June 23, 2018, at 12 pm. at Princes Island Park. Calgary will hear again the Gospel of Jesus Christ, music and testimonies of changed lives! This Saturday we will continue our worship and praise, but this time in the most beautiful park in our city on the Enmax Stage (698 Eau Claire Ave SW, Calgary, AB)!

We will lift our voices together proclaiming the Truth that has the power to set the captives free! Jesus has Risen! There is Hope! We will have a number of worship teams come and bless all of us with their instruments and singing. After the amazing March for Jesus, this will be a time of thanksgiving and sewing into the Kingdom of God! Come with your Gospel tracts as there is going to be lots of people that do not know our Lord.

We will also have a free BBQ and a bouncy house for the kids and a water walking ball (it is so much fun you will be coming for more :-)) We will literally walk on water this coming Saturday!!!

Come and take part in this wonderful opportunity to let the people know that God loves them, that He cares for them! That He has an answer for all of their troubles!

See you at the park! Be blessed!

For more information contact:

Pastor Artur Pawlowski
[email protected]

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