March 28, 2025
Radio Commercials & Interviews

Religion and Democracy-Part 1, 2, and 3

Religion and Democracy Podcast(University of Calgary-debate)-Part 1

In the Religion and Democracy podcast, FDA members and invited guests discuss whether or not religious based political parties should allowed to participate in elections as electable political parties.

Invited guests include Mr. Randy Tyson from the Center for Inquiry, Mr. Artur Pawlowski, member of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada and Christian pastor at the Street Church Ministries based out of Calgary, and Mr. Jim Blake, member of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada and Chairman of Concerned Christians of Canada.




Threshold for Banning Political Parties in Democratic Society(University of Calgary-debate)-Part 2


In this month’s podcast and with reference to the 2011 FDA Global Electoral Fairness Audit Reports (found on, Mr. Stephen Garvey FDA founder and executive director chairs a seven person panel on the topic of what is the threshold to ban secular and religious based political parties in a democratic society? The panelists are given two minute opening statements and closing statements, and observers at the podcast are given an opportunity to share questions and comments with panelists.

The panelists are comprised of Mr. Randy Tyson from the Center for Inquiry and scientist with the National Research Council of Canada, Mr. Artur Pawlowski member of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada and pastor at the Street Church Ministries out of Calgary, Alberta, Mr. Brian Seaman lawyer and research associate with the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Center, Mr. Adam Idris past director of the Muslim Council of Calgary and an active member of the Muslim Christian Dialogue, Mr. Lawrence Irwin pastor at the Centre Street Church in Calgary, and Ms. Lindsay Tetlock FDA researcher and auditor. For non-mainstream, insightful, and provocative discussion from people working in the field of international politics, listen in or download the FDA podcasts.




FDA Religion and Democracy Podcast (Part 3 of 3) University of Calgary-debate

In this month’s podcast and with reference to the 2011 FDA Global Electoral Fairness Audit Reports (found on, Mr. Stephen Garvey FDA founder and executive director chairs a seven person panel on the topic of what is the threshold to ban secular and religious based political parties in a democratic society?

The panelists are given two minute opening statements and closing statements, and observers at the podcast are given an opportunity to share questions and comments with panelists. The panelists are comprised of Mr. Randy Tyson from the Center for Inquiry and scientist with the National Research Council of Canada, Mr. Artur Pawlowski member of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada and pastor at the Street Church Ministries out of Calgary, Alberta, Mr. Brian Seaman lawyer and research associate with the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Center, Mr. Adam Idris past director of the Muslim Council of Calgary and an active member of the Muslim Christian Dialogue, Mr. Lawrence Irwin pastor at the Centre Street Church in Calgary, and Ms. Lindsay Tetlock FDA researcher and auditor. For non-mainstream, insightful, and provocative discussion from people working in the field of international politics, listen in or download the FDA podcasts.




Podcast Description

FDA on World Democracy is a monthly FDA podcast on international democracy issues. FDA members and invited guests participate in an informal round table discussion on major democracy issues or the FDA interviews prominent persons. All points of view are on the table as FDA members and invited guests explore, analyze, and discuss the most outstanding democracy issues. FDA members and invited guests are comprised of people from around the world, with diverse professional, academic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, and united by a serious interest in the advancement of world democracy. Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Store

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