March 11, 2025
Press Coverage

Update on the post earlier today regarding the March for Jesus and Ric McIver

By Kevin Olenick

If you missed earlier today, I posted this blog/podcast on what happened with the March for Jesus.

You can listen to that here.

Since this post, lots has happened.

Ric Mciver posted this on his Facebook.

Now to be honest, McIver’s statement didn’t help him. It hindered him.

While he said he was a respecter of diversity, and he reminded people he had supported Sikhs, Muslims, and Jews, there is still questions by many how he can be involved with a group with a history and perception of hate.

Many are convinced his leadership aspirations for the PC Party are over. Some have also called for the PC Party to discipline McIver.

Both Thomas Lukaszak and Jim Prentice quickly distanced themselves from the group and expressed their support for equality.

Jonathan Denis MLA, who has been a supporter of Pawlowski, has demanded the March for Jesus apologize for their behaviour and words towards the LGBT community.

Now what is interesting is a conversation I have been having with a March for Jesus supporter named @CalgarySenate . You might know him as Larry Heather. He ran for Mayor in the last Civic Election.

He has been responding to every single tweet about the March for Jesus. I decided to ask him a question.

Who is Street Church and March for Jesus accountable too? Do they have a denomination they are affiliated too?

Turns out…..No!

The Reason. Well here are some Tweets from @CalgarySenate

In other words, because the church lacks courage and are “evangelical cowards” , they don’t need to be accountable?

Most churches, even para churches, have an accountability structure in place. It would be disconcerting there isn’t.

Just like this is.

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