March 11, 2025
Press Coverage

Prayer meeting and worship service at City Hall

Calgary Christians are encouraged to join us for a prayer and worship service in the lobby of Calgary’s City Hall at the base of the escelators. We are interested to see if Calgary has a new openness to public worship and prayer.

This prayer and worship meeting was spurred on by the recent Tibetan worship service held in the same place by the Occupy Calgary group last week. Please meet us at 12:00 noon on Tuesday this coming week to pray and worship the King of kings and Lord of lords.






This Tuesday (tomorrow) at noon I will be taking Street Church members to the very spot where Occupy Calgary held their Tibetan worship service, unbothered by either corporate security, bylaw officers or police officers, this past week. We will be holding a Christian worship service, at the foot of the escalators in the new City Hall, involving prayer and Bible study, so that we also can enjoy the new heart on council to allow citizens of Calgary a mid-week location to publicly pray and worship at the heart of the City.

Will the tolerance of City extend to others, or does the City pick and choose who has rights and who does not? We will see.

Jim Blake
National Chairman
Concerned Christians Canada

Praying, Acting, Making a Difference!

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