February 23, 2025
Press Coverage

Gospel Road on AM1140 radio

Dear Friend,
This Sunday's Gospel Road ( March. 9th at 2pm ) features Art Pawlowski of Calgary's Street Church Ministries.  You have likely heard of the many by-law restrictions that have been aimed at squelching the open preaching of the gospel message and ministry to the poor in our City's downtown core.  Will you be surprised at  the state to which our democracy has sunk as we discuss the shocking Charter rights compromises cited in tickets which Art has received over the past few years.
You will be interested to hear how the restrictions of our freedoms today stack up with the conditions of communist Poland, an oppressive state in which Art was raised and saw first hand. 
Why is it that the persecution aimed at the early apostles for preaching the gospel in the open air markets of the oppressive Roman empire, is now being manifested in our own province of Alberta.
Why is it that the gospel preachers of our city seem barricaded within the walls of their churches, and even then, censor from the pulpit what they say from the full scope of the Biblical Revelation?
This is your opportunity to hear from one who is on the front lines of gospel proclamation in Calgary.
That's Street Church Ministries on this coming Sunday on Gospel Road on AM1140 radio at 2 to 3pm.
Yours For the Proclamation of the Gospel,
Larry Heather
Gospel Road Host

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