March 11, 2025
Press Coverage

Calgary Stampede welcomes everyone except Jesus

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Calgary minister Artur Pawlowski from Street Church Ministries was taken to court to prevent him and his group from participating in the Stampede Parade.Calgary Stampede The injunction to ban him was issued because he refused to remove the word “Jesus” on clothing, signs and floats. The official explanation was that the name “Jesus” offends people. One needs to ask: how did they came to this conclusion?  In the end, he was allowed to march with little controversy, but the fact that the organizing committee would go to court to have him and his community banned from the Parade is disturbing. It should concern all Canadians who believe in the right to free speech and the freedom of assembly.

If the parade permits Muslins, Punjabis, Jews, corporations like Walmart, homosexuals, then why on earth would they want to stop Street Church Ministries and the name Jesus from being part of the Parade? Isn’t this a clear case of discrimination and intimidation against Christians? Are Canadians truly equal?

Last year as parade marshal Ian Tyson got the procession going and Pawlowski and his community were permitted to march along with the other marchers. This year the marshal was astronaut Chris Hadfield and again there’s was no objection on his part in letting Pawlowski and members of the Church Street Ministries from participating. However, we should note that “legally” Pawlowski and his people were not supposed to be there. We support his right to exercise his freedom of speech.

The Stampede Parade runs for about four kilometres. It’s promoted as the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth. Marching in the Parade is the World Champion Calgary Stampede Showband followed by countless ribbons and much pageantry. There are many beautiful floats, bands, riders, celebrities and cultural events. But if the organizers had their way there would have been nothing in the march to do with Jesus or anything suggesting Christianity.

So why did the organizers seek an injunction to ban the participation of Pawlowski and the members of his church? It’s hard to believe their lame answer. They were concerned about safety for the spectators and the participants. Really? In addition, as we already said they didn’t want the image and reputation of the Stampede to be tarnished with the name of Jesus. Has the Canadian establishment sunk so low that it now considers the word Jesus will offend others and ruin the good name of the Calgary Stampede? Canadians beware: Jesus is dangerous. Shame on the Calgary Stampede for promoting what may be currently politically correct, but is nevertheless a biased and anti-Christian attitude. This another sad public episode undermining Christianity in Canada. Please watch the video courtesy of Sun News as Art Pawlowski is interviewed by Ezra Levant on his program The Source. You know where we stand, but you can make your own conclusion.

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