February 23, 2025
Press Coverage

Artur Pawlowski’s visit to Poland, march 2015

Over seventy individual meetings, five church services, a dozen media recordings and a conference were all a result of artur pawlowski’s 10-day journey to poland in march 2015. Artur, a prime mover of marches for Jesus and street churches invited people in Poland to get engaged in public and brave manifestations of their faith in Jesus Christ!

This street preacher from Canada during his public appearances confronts, challenges and asks: “Do you live for God or for yourself? What is a driving force of your actions? What did your week look like? Was it filled with your things only, your job, family, with God put aside somewhere, as an extra, or the driving force of your everyday life was the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ? Show me your everyday priorities and i’ll show you where your heart is” Pawlowski made his listeners stop and reflect.

“What is really important on earth? Is God everything for you or only a part of your life? How much is a human soul worth to you? Do you wish that Jesus Christ would set you on fire again, filled you with passion, set you ablaze for His kingdom? Our priority should be to fight for human souls, it shouldn’t be something extra”. At his every meeting Pawlowski provoked his audience to make a decision, to leave their comfort zone and step out of church pews.

Reactions were astonishing. Over 90% of people answered positively to these addresses to serve God with all their heart and all their life. People cried, prayed and asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit again. It could be sensed that in Poland there is a new spiritual opening and many are hungry for new possibilities, new blessings and are ready to serve Him in a new, broader way.

These couple of days were very intense and tiring, but spiritually very fruitful. Several new initiatives were started, such as: “Practical Faith”, idea of organizing marches for Jesus in two towns and in Slovakia. More and more people understand this great idea, the importance of such initiatives and are ignited to manifest their faith in public.

Dates of events in 2015:

March for Jesus, Krakow – May 23,

Week for Jesus, a “Glory” Festival/contest, Warsaw – June 24-27

March for Jesus, Warsaw – June 27.

Week for Jesus, Tricity – June 28-July 5.

March for Jesus, Gdansk – July 5.

March for Jesus, Poznan – October 3.

You are more than welcomed to join this unparalleled spiritual movement in our country!

“For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”Mk 8:38

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” Rom. 1:16

Below you can find a photo-report from our meetings:

Artur Pawlowski

Artur Pawlowski

Konferencja Nabierz Ducha

KZ Betlejem-Krakow

Radio Krakow

Radio Profeto-Goscie wtorkowej audycji  Po prostu wierzyc

Spotkanie Artura Pawłowskiego z Biskupem Rysiem w Krakowie

Społecznosc Głos na Pustyni w Krakowie.

Urzad Miasta Krakowa-Z przyjemnoscia informujemy ze otrzymalismy Honorowy Patronat Prezydenta Miasta Krakowa

Zbor Betania w Katowicach


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