Top Secret Files discovered in Calgary!-updated
Christians in the City of Calgary are deemed “enemies of the state”!
Shocking top secret documents have been discovered in the City of Calgary cataloguing citizens based on their association and participation as evangelical followers of Jesus Christ.
Under the leadership of Muslim Mayor Naheed Nenshi, certain Christians ended up on a government documents listing them as the most dangerous citizens of the City of Calgary. These top secret reports amount to a secret list of people deemed by Owen Key, Manager of Corporate Security and Glenda Cole of the City of Calgary Law Department, as being “Members” or “Associates” or “Relatives” of a Pastor of a Christian organization.
According to the secret City documents categorized “Top Secret”, the severity of the threat by these catalogued Christian individuals is “Critical” or “High”.
We cannot comprehend why the Law Department of City administration would create and keep such records as opposed to the Calgary Police Service which is governed by the Police Act and their common law duties as sworn Officers of the Court.
The cataloguing of citizens into top secret person reports is based on no legitimate lawful basis or lawful authority and cannot be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
It is worth mentioning that only Christians made it to the list.
Anyone who is interested in discussing this matter or get a copy of the documents please contact Artur Pawlowski 403-607-4434 or through e-mail [email protected]