March 30, 2025

To Prime Minister Stephen Harper

To Prime Minister Stephen Harper:
First of all, on behalf of the Christian community and our churches, we would like to take this opportunity, to congratulate you on your recent victory.  We hope and pray that God will grant you wisdom on how to govern this great nation, with Christ centered righteousness.  History, that future generations are not ashamed of, is being made by bold men and women that are willing to stand for what’s right.  Many times, without compromise, misunderstood but with amazing conviction those kinds of men change nations for good and for justice, for generations to come.
For example, William Wilberforce, Martin Luther King Jr. and William Aberhart were all men who stood and persevered against many adversaries for the righteousness of God.  Sir, we pray that you would be such a man.  We encourage you to do what is right, in the eyes of God, fully aware that one day we will all stand before Jesus, the King of kings, and the only thing that will have value is what we did for Him.
We want you to know that we the church voted for you and look forward to seeing what you will do with the majority that God has granted you.  We believe that now that God entrusted you with this mandate, there is nothing that stands in your way to repay his favor by honoring Him before man.
In the account written in the Bible in 2 Kings detailing the life of King Josiah, whose predecessor, his father, was evil and after him, his son was also evil, but Josiah was righteous in the sight of God.  King Josiah restored the worship of Jehovah God; tearing down and dethroning all emblems of worship of foreign gods.  Just like Josiah, we are each accountable to God for what we do on our watch, no matter what men before or men after may choose to do.
So let us boldly, once more, invite you to open the March for Jesus in Calgary next month, on June 19th, and if for some reason you are not able to come, please either send a representative or a letter on behalf of your office, blessing the March for Jesus in Calgary this year.
Please let us know your thoughts as soon as you can.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter,
God Bless you in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Artur Pawlowski On Behalf of Street Church Ministries 

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