March 11, 2025

Calgary Parade 2009 Tract Distribution

21 June 2010

To: Whom It May Concern

C/O Arthur Pawlowski

1740 25a Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, T3C LJ9

By: Joseph Coffin

23 Kirkwood Drive, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Re: Calgary Parade 2009 Tract Distribution

Ref: Permission

I am writing this letter after speaking with Arthur Pawlowski of Street Church Ministries on Calgary, Alberta. I was told that the Calgary Parade personnel (committee? ) has informed him that a disciplinary action is being made against Street Church Ministries. The disciplinary action is to disallow the 2010 Parade entry by Street Church Ministries. This decision was based on the assumption that “tracts” were distributed to the parade spectators without permission. This letter will prove that permission was given for tract passing out.

Tract in this case is a small pamphlet of information telling of the goodness of God who offers love, forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life to all people who receive Jesus the Christ as their Lord and Saviour. I have included a copy of this tract as an example (evidence #1).

In preparation for the parade I contracted High River Printing to print 6,000 (six thousand) copies of this “Doorway” tract in plans to distribute them to spectators during the 2009 Calgary Parade.

On arriving at the parade prep area; I was informed by Arthur Pawlowski that we did not have permission to pass out information. I was very disheartened and couldn’t understand how I felt God’s leading to make the tracts and now couldn’t pass them out.

God’s bible says to “obey those in authority” and “obey those leaders placed over you” so I resigned to not pass them out and trusted that God’s purpose for the tracts would be made known. It was at that time that I went back to the prep vehicle for some water.

While I was walking to the vehicle I noticed another float and talked with them. I shared with them about having all these tracts ready to pass out. They suggested that I ask a parade official and told me that they had seen officials wearing yellow shirts (as I remember the color).

As God would have it; as I turned around I was staring this horse in the mouth. As I looked up, there was on the horse a man wearing a yellow shirt and name tag. I asked him if he was an official and he answered “Yes”. I asked him about passing out the tract and he asked to see one. I passed him one that I had in my pocket. He read it and then said to me “you can pass these out, have a great day” (as I remember )

I was so excited. I ran back to the van and got the boxes of tracts and took them to where the others were waiting to enter the parade as shown in foot marker 16:20 on “Parade Video” (evidence #2). You will also hear Arthur asking about the tracts. I told him about getting the official’s permission to pass tracts out.

Art (Artur Pawlowski) wanted to be sure so he instructed me to stay as flag bearer until we could confirm the permission. In the “Parade Video” (evidence #2) at foot marker 17:29 you will notice that I am holding a flag and dressed to be a flag bearer. It was then that I seen that same official ride by and went over to him to confirm permission. He again said “you have a green light”.

I was so elated as I saw God working out His plan to spread His word to the people of Calgary. All I can say is Praise God!!!!

I ran over to Art, shared the permission news, and joined with Art in praising God for this opportunity.

You will notice in video footage (evidence #2) foot marker 23:17 & 24:39 that I and another volunteer were passing out tracts. We offered them to people and they freely and joyfully received them. It was GREAT.

Near the end of the parade, we were informed by a person in a “gator” type vehicle that we were to stop handing out tracts. I passed on to them that we had permission but they insisted that we were to stop passing the tracts to people immediately. They told us this very aggressively and angrily. I was offended but as I stated before “obey those in authority” in God’s command so I, under Art’s direction, stopped as requested.

You will notice in Calgary Parade Video Part 2 (Evidence # 3) that I am not passing out the tracts. The scenery may give you some locational info giving clues to who were the “gator” parade officials that told us to stop passing out the tracts. Maybe those officials could be informed of the “total situation” and the “received permission” that we were operating under. I would hope that this would influence their thoughts of Street Church personnel.


I trust that this letter will lead persons responsible for the 2010 Calgary Parade entries to give Street Church permission to be a welcomed part of the parade.

Art Pawlowski, his family, friends, street persons, Street Church personnel, and many others have made considerable sacrifices to offer to the people of Calgary a quality parade entry with the most blessed and needed message to all.

I continue to be a supporter of God’s work in and through Street Church Ministries in Calgary.

I hope and pray that all those involved with this matter will deal with each other in ways that honor/respect each other as God would have it.

If I can be of any further assistance in this matter, please do no hesitate to contact me at the contact information listed below.


Joseph Coffin

23 Kirkwood Drive

Charlottetown, PEI

C1A 2T4

Phone : (902) 370-2905

Email : [email protected]

PS: May all of God’s chosen continue to do as Jesus the Christ has instructed us to do:Mark 16:14-16 (New International Version)

 14Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.

 15He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 16Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

And :

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
John 15:11-13


Evidence # 1 – Doorway Tract

Evidence # 2 and #3 – Calgary Parade 2010 Video (Part 1 and 2)

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