March 12, 2025

We invite everyone

Despite recent treatment from the city officials (arrests and trespass notices) we decided that nothing will take away our joy during this season. We invite everyone for a great celebration/festival with triple A steaks and hundreds of gifts for everyone. As always we are going to celebrate what our wonderful God did for us, that he came to this earth to redeem all of us. He was born, healed the sick, preached the gospel of His Kingdom, provided a way of salvation for those that will repent, died, and rose from the grave.

So join us for a great time, amazing food, and a reminder that Jesus Christ came to this earth because of his great love. The celebration will be in front of the City Hall on Sunday, December 25 at 2 pm. Come hungry and with a great expectation that the creator of the heavens and the earth is going to touch you with his mercy and his grace.

Artur Pawlowski
Street Church Ministries

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