March 14, 2025

Today I am brought to remember two men I was able to minister to on the streets of Calgary.

Joseph knew about his name in the Bible, he was able to recite verses and challenge myself about them even. I could sense a hurt that he struggled with, one that likely led to the alcoholism he also struggled with, but thanks be to God that I was able to encourage him to think about changing his ways. I talked to him about being the kind of father his child would look up to and admire, about how Jesus wants to lead him into a better life and I am thankful that God was able to use me to deliver this message and hopefully impact his soul.

Joshua came at the very end, his actions and motions so erratic that even grabbing the bag of bread I was able to offer him was an extreme challenge. He seemed like a nice, polite young man who was just very hungry. He said and it was heart breaking when he admitted to his crystal meth addiction (the reason for his physical malady). As I talked to him about my friend Jesus Christ and what He could do for Joshua the head Pastor and I were able to pray for him, “bring him to Jesus” as I’ve heard many say, and I am glad to say that there was a stabilizing of Joshua and he spoke a little more coherently by the end of our prayer. The Pastor explained to him that statistically only 3% of people survive meth addictions, but that our God can save him 100% of the time. On my way home I couldn’t help but think about Joshua’s mom and how she likely never envisioned such a life for her son when she was able to hold him for the first time after giving birth, and I am thankful to my Father in heaven for allowing me the opportunity to reach out to people and make a difference in their lives big or small.

Join the works of my God and see for yourself.









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