February 22, 2025

The Power of God

2 Timothy 1:8 “Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God”

We are blessed to experience the power of God to save lives through the preaching of the Gospel. Here is a journal of the last few days at Street Church.


While Art and the team were ministering the gospel, and having a BBQ for the homeless, a drug deal went bad under the bridge and 2 people were stabbed, Art and David went over, called 911 and watched both men die/bleed to death, while a couple of women who were stoned, had blood on their hands, started hitting Art.

The good news is 4 people received Jesus that night.


    2 more individuals received Jesus


  • William rededicated his life to the Lord, and we laid hands on him to pray, and as we prayed he dropped to the ground and started to cry out to God, he said where do you guys get this power, we said it is not us it is Jesus, who is making himself known to you.
  • Mike is a young man, who heard the preaching and he said he felt a pull to come over to the truck; he repented and put his faith in Jesus. Mike seemed very sincere; he wanted a Bible and wanted immediate fellowship and accountability. Brian exchanged phone numbers with him, and Bogden told him about discipleship on Wed. Mike also asked for gospel tracts that he could give out to his friends. We prayed for Mike and after the prayer, Mike said he felt heat and a power coming from the hands which were praying over him (Louis & Evelyne).
  • Jason came forward to the truck while the preaching was going on, very agitated at first, but as the preaching continued God started to touch him, and he came forward at the end to confess Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Jason as well, will be discipled by Bogden. Jason said tomorrow, I do not care what my friends think, I am going to read my Bible at the breaks and at lunch time right in front of them.
  • Immanuel rededicated his life to Jesus last night.
  • Please pray for all of these men.

I praise God that we do not have to go out in the flesh, with worldly methods and weapons, but we go out with the power of God, Him working through us. What a blessing and privilege it is to be used by God. Especially when His power is displayed and only He gets the glory for it. This is why Jesus told His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit before they went out to proclaim the gospel.

Upcoming Events:

Please pray for our upcoming Street Church Easter Festival on April 8th. Which will be held in Triangle Park? We need prayer, volunteers, and finances to make this festival impact as many souls as possible for eternity. Please prayfully consider how you can be apart of this day, where Jesus Christ will be lifted high.

You can email me, call Art @ (403) 607-4434 or write to Street Church 4813 Centre Street, Calgary, AB, T2E 2Z6

Live life in light of eternity

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