February 22, 2025

Tearing Down Strongholds – The Working of His Mighty Power

2 Corinthians 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,”

Sunday at Street Church we witnessed God’s power released in such an awesome way this email will not come close to describing what took place.

Steve Cottum was preaching, getting ready to do the Lord’s Supper when 2 young native men walked in front of Steve and one of the young men named Tyson yelled out sarcastically, hallelujah! But as he kept walking a few steps God touched this man, and he stopped, and turned around, his friend was asking him what he was doing, and he went over and stood before Steve and said he needed his sins to be forgiven, next thing you know he is repenting of his sins and receiving Jesus into his life. As we were praying over him, he dropped to the ground, we continued to pray. Tyson got up off the ground jumping, saying he felt pure for the first time in his life and that he felt a power he had never felt before go through him. After the Lords supper Tyson shared his testimony immediately off the microphone, and then went down to the river for baptism. Tyson’s Mom and Dad were down there as well and they were their crying, his uncle was their to, and he was crying. After we baptized Tyson, a native lady who had come forward earlier on in the service to receive Christ came down to the river for baptism, then we went up to the truck to close the service, and pray for those who had been baptized, and as we were praying many natives started to come to receive Jesus.

It was one after another, Tyson was inviting them and praying over them, many of Tyson’s family members received Jesus, and he had not even been a Christian for over an hour. God’s presence was so strong, and He was drawing man and women to Himself. There were people waiting to get prayed over to receive Jesus. The service went on for over 3 hours and many people did not want to leave, it was Holy ground.

We praise the Lord for His faithfulness, and the opportunity to witness Him transform so many lives right before our eyes. People going from death to life. It was awesome to see an entire family be touched by God, like the Philippians’ jailer and his family. God was truly tearing down strongholds amongst the native people.

Ephesians 1:19 “…and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power”

Please continue to pray for our Easter festival on April 8th, and please contact us if you want to be involved in any way.

Live life in light of eternity

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