March 12, 2025

Street Church Comic and March for Jesus

The comic has been released. We want to thank Martin Oakley for putting all the work into creating this work of art, and we pray God’s blessings on him for his commitment to getting the job done, so creatively.

The first part of the Back 2 the Streets Comic series is for you to enjoy. It made us laugh at first, but then after a week of being out, we have already seen tremendous impact on people. We hope that you, yourself will laugh, or cry, or both, but our sincere desire is that you are blessed. Give a copy to someone, because the message in it is unchangeable. Jesus can change a man from his corruption, He can save, He can heal, He can resurrect. I love Him, He is not like man, He is the unchangeable living God.


The pages above are the first four pages of the Street Church Comic Part One. If you would like to see the rest of the magazine, it is available via download at the Street Church website in downloadable PDF format. Also, we have printed copies of the comic available for pickup as a free gift for you. Please call for more details 403-607-4434.

So far, we have had such a great response that literally people could not let go of the comic until they read it through, including some volunteers who came to volunteer, but instead were sitting and reading, captivated by what they saw. Thank you guys ;-). Because of the positive response, we are looking to continue releasing the next part of the story. For this, we will need to find a comic artist willing to work with us, with our vision to bring the message of Christ to people, in the form of a life story. The idea is to slowly add more characters from real moments from the history of Street Church. I’m telling you, God works in mysterious ways. He can use just about anyone and anything to forward His kingdom. To Him be the glory and honour and praises forever and ever, in Jesus name.

March for Jesus 2010

Imagine lifting the name of Jesus (the only name given unto men for salvation), boldly through the streets of our cities. Now you don’t have to imagine anymore, you can join us!

We are happy to march for our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. The March for Jesus is not really anything new. It is in fact re-instating what once was commonplace on the streets of Calgary. The march used to happen annually, but Calgarians dropped the baton. It is time for we, who are called by His name, to pick the gauntlet back up and march and proclaim that Jesus Christ is in fact the unchangeable God, that He reigns today as much as He did when the apostles walked the streets of the Biblical cities.

March for Jesus brings Christians of every tradition, age, and color, into the streets to celebrate what Jesus has done and to ask God’s blessing on our cities. It is nothing more and nothing less than a joyous celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome to attend. March for Jesus is a heartfelt praise for Jesus and prayer for cities and nations.


We are in the process of organizing all the details.  We are partnering with different churches and organizations.  If you would like to be a part of the March for Jesus, we extend the right hand of fellowship with you, and we would love to have your impact.  For details, visit  Please, also, send us your thoughts and ideas for the march.

We posted a message from parliament hill.  If you want to watch it, click here.

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