March 26, 2025

So called peaceful rally for Palestinians.

This is the third week of the so called peaceful rally for Palestinians.

Main stream media bias reporting is just sickening. Pro Hamas sentiment makes you think in what kind of country now we really live in. On the one hand the left media are shouting multiculturalism, equality, stop discrimination, freedom, fairness and one law for all, in another they are doing the very opposite promoting and advocating for just one group of people. It looks that the fairness is only one way street, their way. You can see the double standards everywhere. One law for homosexuals, pro terrorists, pro Islam, pro marijuana, pro abortion and pro every evil that you can think of and another set of rules and reporting’s for Christians and Jews.

I am sure that you have not seen what was happening just few days ago during an Islamist rally in Calgary on the first of August. The media was there but to show you what is really happening would go against their own agenda and propaganda. They did not want you to see how again for the third time, those “peaceful protesters” terrorists tried to beat up some church members just because they had an Israel flag. They came to the side of the church and were stopped by the police. Some masked and violent protesters started to yell profanity’s, cursing at the church members and were uttering threats. They were saying that they will kill us all. What did CBS for example do? They picked up a small good looking Muslim lady with a really nice gentle voice and started to interview her. They totally ignored the violent behaviour of the protesters, what they wanted you to see was this nice, small and gentle lady telling you how horrible Israel is.

Canadians you have to understand that what you see in the media is no longer the truth, it is a manipulation of the truth being spanned according to their wishes and their propaganda.

This is what the organizer Saima Jamal said about her protests:

“Now it’s time for us to put all that energy and all that enthusiasm in a very positive way. Today, we are trying to connect to people through theirhearts, through their silence.” -organizer, Saima Jamal.

Here is what she posted on Facebook after pro-Israel supporters were beaten up by her group and send to hospital.

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Did police charge anyone for breaking criminal law, after all uttering threats is a criminal offence. Of course not. Muslims and Homosexuals (striping themselves and walking naked on the streets of our cities) are now in this country above the law. Two sets of rules, one for you and one for them.

Here are some comments by CBC liars about last “silent rally”

“Hundreds lining the streets. Quiet, peaceful vigil. Continue to show peace sign. One person saying “it’s beautiful”. -Devin Heroux and the CBC crew

Two sets of laws, two sets of media reporting’s. One new Canada.

Here are some pictures from last friday and the video of the incident.

IMG 1126

IMG 1130

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