March 11, 2025

Reflection on 2007

As we have approached 2008 we would like to share with you what mighty things God did for all of us in the ministry.

When we look back at 2007, what amazes us the most is that God would take unskilled, in many areas uneducated, common people, as we read in the book of acts (unschooled, ordinary men Acts 4:13), and use them for salvation and forwarding the kingdom of God, not only in Calgary, but now in many areas around the world, through radio, TV (weekly TV show every Saturday at noon on the Miracle Channel), papers, prisons, and evangelism in different locations.

The grace of God was following us wherever we went, and despite being the smallest in the land of giants in Christian ministries (“My clan is the weakest in Manasseh and I am the least in my family“ Judges 6:15), the favor of the Lord was with us. Let me explain, without the great support from any organizations, either Christian or secular, God`s faithfulness surpassed many of our expectations, Building our faith even for greater things, believing that this is just the beginning of what Jesus has for us and this nation. In 2007 we were able to partner with churches in Spain, Poland, Africa, and Canada to equip, and encourage them to step out according to Mark: 15 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.“

In the mission field we were amazed how God enabled us to partner with national radio broadcasting of the gospel in Poland (some of our testimonies are being used in prisons as well)  opening a door for a team to go to capital city Warsaw for open air evangelism (Mayor of Warsaw is a faithful believer) and then to every major prison in the entire country with testimonies of Jesus` freedom. In Africa,  Street Church supports a ministry (Church and pastor), and has Daniel with His family as missionaries where they have seen tens of thousands, hearing the gospel in the open air street meetings and hundreds coming to the Lord. In our own city, by the total grace of God; we were able to hand out over a hundred thousand meals, all of this given freely by our Lord Jesus Christ (Freely you have received, freely give, All the silver and all the gold, all the cattle on a thousand hills belong to the Lord), He supplied all our needs, Praise God!

In Calgary we have seen almost seven hundred individuals praying publicly to receive salvation. In every location God is confirming the preaching of the gospel in the name of His son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with His signs, wonders, healings, and answers to prayers (God helping people to find jobs, reconciling families, freedom from addictions, getting off the streets). Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever and He is mighty to save! We are writing about this not to boast about numbers, because in the end of the day God knows who are His and everything we were able to do was totally by the sovereignty of God and to Him be the Glory; ourselves, we just consider to be Jesus` hands and feet, His body to cry out in the wilderness, “repent the kingdom of God is at hand.“

All of this though has not come without a price, Jesus said “pick up your cross and follow me.“ In 2007, members of the Street Church faced heavy persecution, four times we stood before provincial judges, twice before criminal judges (Mustard seed as a crown prosecutor key witness), on countless occasions surrounded by the police and bylaw forces, intimidated by drug dealers and pimps, receiving twenty tickets for feeding people and preaching the gospel, some of our members and supporters lost their jobs for the sake of the gospel, Daniel and family risking their lives in forwarding God`s Kingdom(civil war in Kenya), losing our building of worship and discipleship (being kicked out of the Salvation Army chapel), threatened and harassed, but yet not overcome, God`s mighty hand protected and delivered us from all attacks (He is going to finish what he started, He is faithful).

We have seen six festivals in four different neighborhoods, where God`s love was manifesting, touching, and transforming people’s lives from babies to the elderly. We handed out thousands of Bibles and countless tracks, rejoicing in the seed that God planted in their hearts. We were able to find  favor with authorities and marched with the name of Jesus and Ten Commandments in front of over 400,000 people at the Calgary Stampede Parade, giving us an opportunity to lift up; without shame, the name above all names, Jesus! Through  music and  preaching; thousands of  seeds were planted, we saw people crying, rejoicing, clapping, and truly that made us feel honored about being ambassadors of Christ, marching for our King and Lord. In the end, everything we did was to reach souls for eternity.

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone of you for your faithful support, knowing that your participation in this ministry forwards the kingdom of God, by the preaching of the gospel, which always  has everlasting rewards (souls are priceless) and you all had a part in winning them for Jesus. Everyone of you is like a peice of a puzzle of a beutiful picture but without that peice, that you are, the "art" would be incomplete and imperfect, missing for eternity. Not all of you can be there on the streets with us all the time or with Daniel in Africa or in different parts of the world, but we all can pray for each other and help in any way we can; and for that, God bless you, God keep you, may His face shine upon you, and show you His favour. May God lift up His face toward you and give you peace, from our hearts to yours, thank you!!!!

Remember if God is for us who can be against us?

Art Pawlowski and Lawrence Irwin

Street Church


Live life in light of eternity

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