March 28, 2025

Reach out to somebody in the world and spread the message of his Glory

Today I am going to write about something that has been on my mind for a little while that I want to share with you.

For about two years now I have been actively involved in reaching out to people in the name of Jesus primarily through the Street Church ministry and I have been blessed with seeing peoples lives transformed through those efforts. Through all that time spent I can recount many stories but, until recently, I didn’t notice how my story had been transformed as well. On that day I decided to help out and volunteer for that ministry. I was not new to Christianity, I was new to the idea of a church with now walls though. During those times prior, all the works of the enemy worried me as a result. I believed in Christ but am ashamed to think that I might have been ashamed to admit it openly to people. I doubt many knew I even believed in Jesus Christ, I was not a “bad guy” and actually tried to be a “good guy”… I realize now that I was simply not as convicted as I am today.

Here I am today, 2 years later and I praise the living God for His works in me. In my service I have actually received a liberation that could not be conceived at the time. I stand today as a living testimony to my God’s grace, that He took a sinner such as me and empowered me to do His works. Today I am a seasoned spiritual warrior, today I walk from glory to glory and all things work together for my good in the name of Jesus Christ. Today I am unashamed, I have the name of Jesus on my truck, on my wife’s car, on our house, on my shirts, on my families shirts, I have marched through my city declaring His holy name and by His authority have turned back the gates of hell. I have been empowered because I chose to start speaking about Him, I have declared I am not ashamed.

So I am thankful to my Father in Heaven, I am thankful Jesus, I am thankful Holy Spirit. Thank you for showing me the highways and byway, for working with me all the while I thought I was working for You.

I encourage you the reader, reach out to somebody in the world and spread the message of his Glory… it will change your life for the better as much as theirs.


Peter Reicher during Street Church events.

0Peter Reicher

3Peter Reicher

4Peter Reicher

5Peter Reicher

6Peter Reicher

Peter Reicher during his baptism in Calgary

7Peter Reicher

8Peter Reicher

9Peter Reicher

Street Church in Calgary

1Peter Reicher

2Peter Reicher

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