March 9, 2025

Raising up Evangelist’s Men and Women who will be bold for Christ

“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven”

Street Church has been blessed the last couple of weeks, experiencing a time of peace and harvest, seeing over 21 decisions for Christ, and many others coming forward for prayer, and hundreds taking Bibles, and tracts.

Here are a few testimonies from last night:

1. Michael Ogaga, was talking to a man at the end of the night at 5th and 5th, this man told Michael he had come down to the park to survey the area, because he was going to start dealing drugs again, but when he got down there he heard the preaching, and felt convicted, this man ended up repenting of his sins and receiving Christ.

Michael was so excited, he is going to pick this man up on Sunday, and bring him to church, Praise God!!!!



“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven”

Street Church has been blessed the last couple of weeks, experiencing a time of peace and harvest, seeing over 21 decisions for Christ, and many others coming forward for prayer, and hundreds taking Bibles, and tracts.

Here are a few testimonies from last night:

1. Michael Ogaga, was talking to a man at the end of the night at 5th and 5th, this man told Michael he had come down to the park to survey the area, because he was going to start dealing drugs again, but when he got down there he heard the preaching, and felt convicted, this man ended up repenting of his sins and receiving Christ.

Michael was so excited, he is going to pick this man up on Sunday, and bring him to church, Praise God!!!!

2. Mikal, a mother from Africa who has been coming down and serving with Street Church for over a year now, has been bringing her 2 young boys out to serve.

This family marched in the parade the past 2 years, and has been a huge blessing to Street Church. Last night Mikal shared that she has felt blessed to be part of the ministry, and her boys have been impacted greatly to be bold for Christ. Last week Sanjay told the oldest boy if he ever had anything to share off the microphone at the Mustard Seed location, that he could share. This boy went home and told his mom, I need to go downstairs to the computer and work on a sermon, Sanjay told me I can preach next week. He preached last night on a street corner by the Mustard Seed, 2 men said they heard a young voice preaching truth from a distance and they had to come and check it out, both of these men gave their hearts to the Lord last night.

Praise God that He is raising up young man who are serious about His Kingdom, and lost souls. We feel one of the main callings in the Street Church ministry is to help facilitate and raise up evangelists, men and women who will be bold for Jesus. Many will leave the ministry and start up a new work; this is what we pray for.

3. We have been setting up on 8th avenue, just north of the Salvation Army, and it has been working great, the people come over for pizza, and many stay to listen to the message. Jay was preaching last night and after his message, he gave a different kind of invitation, “if anyone wants to reject Christ, raise your hand, no one did, then he asked if anyone wanted to give their lives to Jesus, raise your hand, 3 men raised there hands. Praise God!!! I have never heard that type of invitation, it was very powerful.

4. Goodluck, Michael, and myself went to the Drumheller prison on Sunday, it is always a blessing. 2 man came forward for prayer at the alter call, and a few others came to talk at the end of the service. 3 men are being released in the next couple of months, and they all are coming to Calgary and want to get connected with a Church. Let’s pray that these men who have received Christ, will remain strong in Christ and get connected with a body of believers in Calgary. I gave them my number, so let’s pray they call.

Our main message was for the believers, on the promises of God, and the importance of feeding our Spirit daily, with reading of the word, and prayer. To walk in the Spirit not the flesh.

If you feel led to join us in Drumheller, the 3rd Sunday of every month, please email me, we need more workers. 3 of us is not enough, there are around 35-40 guys, all wanting to talk, and have prayer after the service.
Life life in light of eternity,

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