March 26, 2025

Moving Forward

A lot has happened since we updated you last. First let’s start with the latest encounters with the authorities. As you remember, we were arrested for a $36 parking ticket. You can see the arrest, and we encourage you to read the background information under the video, on the website (Arrest Video).

Two weeks later, we had police officers showing up in large numbers again, this time, bringing German Sheppard dogs. They parked next to where we were serving and prompted the dogs to bark at the top of their lungs from the open windows of the squad cars. They barked so loud that we were not even able continue to preach. The police also grilled the volunteers and threatened them that they would be arrested for over an hour, while the drug dealers and criminals watched the absurdity of the police officers actions, laughing. That was the time we decided that God was moving us to the steps of city hall to take our protest to the next level. So now we are meeting every time, four times a week, taking care of the poor, feeding them and giving them hope in the name of Jesus Christ. By the way, can you think of any better place than this to reach the lost, at the steps of City Hall – at the gate of the city, to worship the Living God? Praise God, even for the persecution, otherwise, we would not be here.

On the positive side, although the persecution proceeds and it seems that the Goliath is getting bigger, I can’t but smile. The bigger the Goliath, the greater the sound will be when it falls. The greater the opposition, the greater the victory will be when it comes. At the same time, as we were pushed around and the devil is getting furious, God opened enormous doors. Our TV show, that is aired every Saturday, at noon, on Miracle Channel, through satellite, cable and Internet, has been elevated. We were approached by a TV station in Norway, which broadcasts through 110 million satellite dishes, and we have now signed a one year contract, with them. Not only that, but since they like the program so much, they offered to broadcast the program at no charge for that year. Now you can see why the devil is so mad.

There are some other victories. We have been recording the Voice Radio show with Jim Blake of Concerned Christians Canada, and the recordings have been going very well. We have posted the first show up on our website to give you a glimpse of what the show will be about. (Show 1 – Voice Radio Summary) We believe that with your help, we will be able to broadcast this soon in Alberta and Ontario. As you will hear in the promotional show, our heart is to create a dialog on subjects that few want to talk about, to stir people, and to challenge them to talk. Voice Radio truly aims to be “a voice crying out in the wilderness”, and to create a platform for the good questions that are desperately looking for answers, and presenting answers from the Bible and from historical figures. We hope to hear your thoughts on Voice Radio. Feel free to share your ideas as we truly value your opinions.

Another bit of good news is that we have been approached by an American comic book maker to take the story of Street Church into the medium of comic books. Plans are under way and the ball is moving. He really believes that the action, adventure, and trials of street evangelism are a perfect way to engage youth and fire them up for Jesus. Presently we are talking with a publishing company and if you would be interested in sponsoring this kind of media outreach, please let us know. Isn’t God awesome, that although many of the parents of the kids that will read these magazines currently want nothing to do with God, He can reach them through the comic books and through them speak to the parents.

Just a reminder that there are three court dates that are approaching for the three trials in May and June, so please pray for us that we will be good witnesses, to the judges, crown prosecutors, provincial representatives, and all other people that are involved in this case. We have no other desire, but to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and that He rose from the dead, our hope and glory, our Lord.

Please also remember that in this battle, we are fighting for your rights as well, as Canadians, and if you can support with help for legal costs, this would be a good time. But, know this, either way, God almighty, our Father in heaven will never forsake us and never abandon us, He is our supplier, who only works through the hearts and the hands of willing men and women.

On the streets, we continually see the hand of God, moving with His mercy and grace. On a weekly basis, people are receiving Christ, the gospel is being preached, boldly. The name of Jesus is being lifted up, and now having services four times a week at the gate of the city I am reminded of the awesome story of Esther and Mordecai. We have an even greater time to impact our city, and our nation, for now and for eternity. At the end of the day, it’s all about souls, the rich and the poor, the young and the old, women and men. They all need to hear the message of hope and of the blood atonement of Christ for a better tomorrow, so that they can live with Jesus through all eternity in heaven.

No matter what happens around us, our hearts are filled with joy. We hear of testimonies every time we are on the streets. People’s lives are changed, and that’s what counts. We feed the poor, we clothe the naked, and preach the gospel. There is no greater calling than this. Praise God!

Have you ever wanted to take your faith to the next level? Have you ever wanted to reach the lost with the message of the gospel, yet you don’t know how to “take it to the streets”? Have you ever thought, “how can I be wise and win souls for the Lord?” You know, you don’t have to consider yourself an evangelist to get out of the four walls and spread the message. There are others who are doing it. Go and join them. Do something. Even in war when you are going into battle, someone has to carry the bullets. Come and serve hot chocolate, come and cook food, come and pray, come and worship, come and be an ear to a hurting soul, but most of all get busy, for time is short, and the Lord said his coming will be like a thief in the night, nobody will know the hour nor the day, but we do know the season and that season is now. At the end of the day what matters is what we do for Jesus.

Also, regarding our trip to Ontario, look forward to an update on and from Concerned Christians Canada on all the challenges and blessings that came before and during our trip. To give you a hint about the trip, we were able to speak about our troubles with minister Stockwell Day, Preston Manning and Prime Minister Harper, and also by the grace of God we were able to challenge them and speak to their lives, isn’t God good. You will truly get to see the hand of God again.

Live today as though Christ will return tomorrow,

Blessings to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,

Artur Pawlowski on behalf of Street Church Ministries

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