March 27, 2025

Missions Trip Summary 2019!

Friends, I’m back from almost a month of mission trips! The time was incredible! Many came to know the Lord, were touched and healed. However, it feels good to be back with my family! I truly missed them!

During our crusades, we had a fantastic and fruitful time with the Lord and with our brothers and sisters in Barbados and in Poland.

We had many opportunities to preach the Love, the Truth and the Mercy of our Saviour in Churches, radio stations, national TV, prisons and during Open Air Crusades! Partnering with our family from Barbados, Poland, Canada, and America made this Mission Trip even more special! Thank you for your hearts and your hard work! May the Lord bless you richly!

Hundreds of thousands of people heard the Gospel and over a thousand accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour in Poland alone! Praise Jesus! Souls! Souls! Souls!

However, everything has a price that needs to be paid! It did cost us tens of thousands of dollars to go with the whole team of people and reach the multitudes for Jesus! Before we went, I tried to raise the funds for the trips!

Unfortunately, I was not very successful in raising enough to cover the expenses! I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to chip in, but nevertheless, I am asking again if you can help! We spend the time away from our families, we traveled and at times we risked our lives, but the gospel was preached and the fruit is enormous!

Please, become part of this Harvest!

You can send a check (message us for the address) or e-transfer [email protected] or PayPal to Street Church! Everyone can do something! Please DO something! Time is short! Only what we did for Gods Kingdom will last forever!

The price tag for about 20 people for a month away in a foreign country is huge, about $30,000. We are asking if you could help us with at least a small portion of this amount, at least for the plane tickets! If you can! Anything and everything counts! Do not close your ears and your eyes! Come on board and help us reach more people for our King!

Thank You!!!

Pastor Artur Pawlowski

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