March 11, 2025

Ministry Schedule for the Gay Olympics

"What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost and finds it…I say to you that like wise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents then over 99 just persons who need no repentance." (Luke 15:4, 7)

Jesus made it very clear that lost souls are a great priority. Now is the time we have so many people coming to this city for one focus, a Gay festival (Estimated 20 000 gay people). I know my God is big enough to use this great opportunity for his glory and if God can raise children of Abraham out of stones surely He can use us to be a part of His work to reach gays with the gospel. Do you want to step up and out and be used by God?

Christians we have a chance to make an impact in peoples lives WHICH WILL have an eternal effect.

Are we focusing on the eternal? Every second 7 people walk off the face of the planet do you care? Do you care enough to do something about it? Jesus was so concerned about salvation and souls he died for it. I’m asking for you not to die but to stand and share the good news with the gay community in truth and love.

We are going to hand out tickets for the Easter festival, and share the gospel at 3 of their events. We will not go inside of the events, but will be located outside to minister the good news to people as they are coming and going.



  • Friday April 6, 8:30 pm at the Westin Hotel 320 4th Ave SW  For the Cowboys & Queens
  • Saturday April 7, 9:30am Eau Claire For the running
  • Sat April 7, 9pm -2am Homo Hop Party, Telus convention center (youth focused)

Please call me if you are interesting in being part of one of these outreach teams. We need many volunteers to impact thousands of people. Let’s not let this opportunity be wasted.

Sanjay 923-5845

Straining to finish the race,

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