February 22, 2025

Ministry Miracles in Gay Olympics

Even if I sold out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or in order that I may glory, but have not love (God’s love in me), I gain nothing. Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. (1 Corinthians 13:3,4)

I write to inform you of the events that took place in the week of April1-8 regarding the God’s outreach to the Homosexual community. I cannot write all the things Ive heard and seen in this week as it might cause you to stumble.

April 1st

There were no announced events for that day. We prayed and prepared.

April 2nd

All was started with a conference there guest speaker was a mother who lost her son to a gay bashing incident. I had been praying that we could go and share the gospel with these lost people decided that the best thing we could do is nothing at all. We lifted our heats and prayers to God, as we performed a Jericho walk. there were seven of us. After walking 7 times in silent prayer we shouted to God praising Him, we anointed seven stones and pour out oil and blew the shafar (every direction at each corner). As we were saying a few things to the camera we brought, some staff members from the Westin Hotel were the conference was held came and demanded we leave. We said no. They in returned called the police which arrived very shortly and stated we had a right to walk on the sidewalk and pray Ive we wanted! Praise God!

April 3rd

Second day to the conference another Jericho walk trusting in God.

April 4th

We went to the Epcor Centre where they had 2 plays Wyerd sisters and B**chSlap. Another Jericho walk trusting in God. We also handed out info about the festival on Easter Sunday. We prayed for there souls that they would be saved, only God can do this we know. God had continued to say to me that we would not see a huge harvest this time but to trust Him that He cares for these far more than we ever could. I know God allowed us to plant seeds that he will nourish.

April 5th

Another Jericho walk same time and place. This time there were more……charismatic homosexual people there.

April 6th

Friday night we had ministry in the park then we went back to the westin for a party they were having called "Cowboys and Queens". We performed a Jericho walk again. Trusting in God.

April 7th

Saturday "The Day Of Spiritual Battle" as we found out. They had a several races in the morning and four of us went to engage them. If we don’t engage the culture the culture will engage us! We prayed for them had some talks with them and handed out more info on the festival. There was barely anyone there. That evening was the last day for there festivities. I had a huge burden for these people and as the week went on God softened my heart and i found my heart breaking for these people. By Saturday night i was so overpowered by my heartcry for these people and Gods spirit in me I needed to share. I looked at those lost souls and was completely overcome. we arrived at the Telus convention centre with a full team (over 10 of us) and started walking the Jericho walk we accustom to do. But this time i felt such a calling to share the gospel, i could no longer hold it in. After reaffirming with the team that this was God not my flesh I preached with a zeal i know the Holyspirit gave me. God impressed on me they would not be able to quickly forget our message. God loves and wants a relationship with you, if you repent and trust in Jesus alone you can have a relationship with God. And have a clean slate in the eyes of God. I had preached for a 45min or so maybe a hour then Art spoke then Lawrence spoke. We didn’t have the same audience for more than 3 minutes they came out to smoke and went back in. There were those who yelled and shouted at us. Those who called us "crazy preacher", "psycho’s", or stating "this is not Jesus, This is not Christian!" Our Message was clear we cared not what sin they were caught in Gods love and Jesus’ sacrifice was enough for them. For well over 2hrs we peraeched then finish our Jericho walk and went home. While we were preaching we had many conversations we where probably able to witness one on one to over 20 people. I had talked to one guy named Scott who believed in the Bible but had never read he had a tiny bit of scripture to hold onto his beliefs that he was ok and safe in Gods eyes. Its said in the movie Chronicles of Narnia movie "Who said he is safe, he is very dangerous but he is good." The movie refers to Jesus. No one is safe when it comes to death and if they are to have life in heaven they NEED Jesus or they have death in Hell.

Be encouraged that there were 3 preachers there Saturday but the real work was done from the people would didn’t preach but loved enough to share there story and testimony.

Please know i love you all i say to encourage not to discourage.

If this makes you motivated to share your faith then please do so if you wish to serve alongside of us we welcome you.

God Love You All

Straining to finish the race,

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