January 29, 2025

March for Jesus-meeting



I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for coming to the meeting today.  It was a wonderful time sharing and praying with one another.  I also wanted to recap a few things that were discussed today, which hopefully will just act as a reminder to all of us of the things that will be done as a result of the meeting today.  If there is other feedback, please let us know so that we can add those items to our prayers and thoughts.

There were many positive comments from around the room about last year’s event.  There was mention of the fact that people were so blessed and pleased to see the ethnic diversity in Christ and the diversity from all walks and backgrounds all walking together and in one accord in last year’s march.  We are pleased to see the same commitment to continue with Christ centred unity as we move forward into this year’s march.  There was also mention of the need to ensure that aboriginal people’s feel that they are not excluded from the march, but rather welcome.  We also discussed the importance of not raising names of churches or titles or denominations and the importance of the event being kept pure and free from demonic symbols and icons.

There was a strong emphasis on not quenching the Spirit in our effort to be organized; ensuring that while we make our plans for a well managed march this year that we allow flexibility in the spirit for God to do on the spot ministry in whatever way He sees fit.  May we all pray that the March for Jesus volunteer team will have the perfect balance in this area.

There was excitement over and commitment to reaching an even broader group of believers in this year’s march by reaching out to other Christian ethnic groups that were not at the event last year and encouraging them to participate and be involved.

There was an agreement to change the format slightly to emphasize prayer by having a prayer in different languages to start out the celebration after our march down 8th avenue finishes.

Another idea which was well received was to have a cardboard testimonies time with about 100 cardboard testimonies marched across the stage to the music of Jesus saves by Jeremy Camp

It was nice to hear accounts of just how many people were noticing the march from patios along side 8th avenue last year and even about salvations that occurred through the sharing of the gospel and through the giving of gospel tracts.

There was some concerns expressed that many people somehow did not know about the march last year and so there was a discussion about taking the message first to our pastors and then to other believers, both inviting them to attend the march and also to have people keep the message going by inviting their friends and families.

There were discussions about sending out an e-mail with the volunteer positions that are needing to be filled.  Here is a short list of volunteer positions that we need filled:

  • A set up team for the day before the march

  • A tear down team for the night of the march

  • A team for food services (ideally if one church could commit to doing this part of the event) – the food is available already but we need workers for food handling cooking, serving and food cleanup

  • Security/cleaning team – security volunteers walk around the site and ensure that there are no problems and cleaning any garbage that is not in garbage bins

  • Prayer team – some team members will man the prayer station and others will be in a prayer team behind the stage interceding for the event and all who come

  • Medical team – we need some people with first aid skills to bandage boo boos and pray offer prayer for people injured. Also, if you know any Christian nurses, doctors, or paramedics who are willing to volunteer that would be a great asset

  • Licenced Life Guard – If you or someone you know is a Christian who has an active lifeguard license, and is willing to volunteer, we really need this – for the kids play area in the water area of the plaza

  • Worshippers

  • Flaggers

  • Musicians

  • Singers

  • Promoters – People willing to hand distribute pamphlets and posters to Churches and Christian schooling facilities

  • Business owners willing to donate goods or services to the event to give more away

  • Other volunteer opportunities – Just step up there is lots to be done


  • As expressed in the meeting, we don’t want to charge people to receive from God, so we are asking for whatever financial support churches and individuals are willing to provide.  Remember that we are unable to provide charitable receipts, so the donation is for God alone, not for a receipt.

  • On faith we have ordered March for Jesus T-shirts, caps, posters, have printed invitations, have committed to paying the city all of the fees that the city needs paid, etc

  • All receipts will once again be kept separate for full accountability

  • As we mentioned last year’s per person cost (not charged to attendees) worked out to around $25/person for a full day event with food and enjoyment for all.  Compared to many events this is very economical.  As we also stated, the costs will even be lower this year as some of the purchases made for the March for Jesus were one time only and so do not need paid for this year.

All in all, it was exciting to see the turnout and the enthusiasm for the upcoming march.  If you would please commit to getting the word out and letting us know which areas you are willing and able to support in.

Thanks once again for coming out today, for your input and for your time both today and in whatever capacity you choose to serve the body of Christ leading up to and during the March for Jesus.


Jim Blake
on behalf of
The March for Jesus Team

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