March 27, 2025

March for Jesus in Calgary 2016 a great success!

An amazing and tangible presence of God. Beautiful sunny day, (the weather networks were prophesying thunderstorm all day, but God had different plans and changed the weather for His children :-)) contagious joy that followed all of us throughout the entire march and hundreds of united believers lifting without shame the name of Jesus Christ on the streets of Calgary!

What a day that was! The Father which is in Heaven was honoured. The heavens were touched and those that came were filled again by the Spirit of the Living God! This is a once a year opportunity that God has blessed us in this city to be united and publicly visible with the name of Jesus Christ. God is rising believers in Calgary that worship Him in Truth and in Spirit.

God was awesome, people were great, food was delicious. Can not imagine spending this day in any different way then on the streets with fellow believers during the March for Jesus. God is so good!

Thank you for coming and being part of this fascinating event for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Calgary! May God bless you greatly!

If you would like to participate in the next March for Jesus in Calgary or you would like to have one in your own city please let us know. 403-607-4434 or [email protected]


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