February 23, 2025

Laying hold

Laying hold
Isnt it amazing? The same God who works in church works on the streets? You know what I love, when homeless people, addicts…regular people get touched by the Holy Ghost. You know when your at a meeting and you see people falling down under the anointing and you ask yourself if all of those people falling are really genuinely being touched and which ones are just faking it. You don’t have to worry about that when you are praying for the homeless, when they start falling over and crying and shaking and laughing you know its the Holy Ghost, these people are real and don’t know any of our Christian practices. I love how God touches saved and unsaved, how God heals and sets free the sinner and the saint. What a mighty God we serve.
In the past few weeks I have been witnessing the hand of the Lord touching the homeless in such a personal way. By the laying on of Hands I have seen the Holy Ghost dropping homeless and giving them a genuine encounter with the living waters. One woman came across the river dragging a friend with her and began to ask brother David "who called my name? Who called my name?" She heard a voice calling her across the river. David began to pray for this woman and she fell under Gods power and began to weep and cry for joy, next thing you know she starts asking where the beautiful music is coming from, they shut up the speakers but they cant shut up heaven, this woman heard an audible sound of such beauty she claimed she never experienced such a sound. After accepting Jesus evicted some devils and moved in she looked at David and said "I am your sister!" I prayed with Evelyn for one lady who was suicidal and when we layed hands and began to intercede the Holy Ghost showed up and decided to show her what love was. She fell on the ground and started to shake and I could feel God’s power pouring into her and she stood up with a whole new countenance! Not only that but one after another homeless are giving testimony of answered prayer, saying they haven’t drank, used drugs since we prayed for them or that they got a job etc….
Free hot dogs anyone? Street Church Ministries is now in front of city hall three times a week! The lord has led us to hire a hot dog stand from a local vendor by the city hall train station and use His cart to feed hundreds of mostly homeless people hot dogs Jesus style(totally free!). Line ups of hundreds at noon hour Tuesday through Thursday are getting a free meal and are hearing the word of the Lord preached. I love it. All thanks to our Great God. What a glorious Christ, Jesus is the desire of the nations and believe me we see nations at city hall, people from all over the world hearing of a personal God who loves the humble and is passionate enough to die and powerful enough to raise again!
I had a dream from the Lord and in the dream the enemy cut off the heads of the grain so that there would not be a harvest yet where there was no head on the grain there grew two heads and these grain head were no ordinary grain heads they were huge! There will be a harvest on the streets in Calgary! I declare it in the name of Jesus the Lord! We are now operating without speakers at street church for one month due to a court order, the judge has ordered that for this month our lawyers and the cities lawyers enter into some form of negotiation. For the time being we are not using amplification. But there is a cry in that cannot be silenced it is the groaning of creation, its the cry of our our times getting louder and louder in the spirit, it is an in stoppable yearning beginning to break out in the physical with earthquakes, famines, fire, smoke, and blood this groan will grow louder and louder until the ultimate climax at the end of the age and the return of the great king Jesus Himself.
The removal of the speakers has many minuses for example since we don’t have music we have lost our worship, and music changed the entire atmosphere of the park as well as the ability to communicate to the crowd by the speakers has cause huge noticeable changes, including more fights and violence as well as a lack of ability to communicate with those who may be involved in illegal activity in the area of the park( drug dealers, pimps etc.). Myself and the other volunteers lives are at stake due to this court order because it took away our ability to communicate from a safe distance from potentially violent people and situations. So lets pray that our rights will be restored and that the gospel of Jesus Christ can be forwarded without hindrance.
P.S. I encourage you to watch our show on the web site as new episodes are going to be added and the older ones will be replaced
wwww.streetchurch.ca  then click on "videos and TV coverage"
God Bless
Louis Formaz-Preston

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