March 28, 2025

In just a few days we are going to March for Jesus on the streets of Calgary.

In just a few days we are going to March for Jesus on the streets of Calgary. Please come with joyful heart’s remembering how much Jesus has blessed us. Come with an expectation that our God is Lord of all and able to change any circumstances. He is the God of the Impossible, God of Wonders, God of your today and the God of your tomorrow! Please bring your t-shirts from past years marches if you still have them or wear a red t-shirt representing the blood that was shed for all.

God is so amazing that He allowed us to be able to organize this event in honour of His name. To march for Him, to worship the God of the Universe freely and publicly. One body, one spirit, one God that saved us all.

God we love you, you are our King and Lord over our lives. This march is for you. Please come and march with your people on the streets of this city, and we give you all the glory and honour for ever and ever.


March for Jesus team.

Rick McIver (Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Hays) is going to officially open the March for Jesus 2014!

Come to this amazing event June 15 2014 1 PM at Millennium Park where the name that is above every name JESUS is going to be lifted up!

We will march and dance for our LORD and SAVIOR!!!

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