March 27, 2025

Hot Tub Evangelism

2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season.”…

Art, Daniel, and I were able to go to Windimere, BC, for the weekend, for a time of prayer, fellowship, and talk about the direction that God was leading us in.

Sunday we went to a Pentecostal church where God’s Spirit was present and working powerfully. God opened many doors after the service to talk to people in the congregation about evangelism. The Pastor stated that some of his best ministry years was when he was street preaching on Jasper Ave, in Edmonton. He said he also had been shut down by the police on a few occasions. We challenged him to start to do outreaches in his community. He was fired up and the new youth pastor was also excited.

We prayed for them, that there church would be intentional about soul winning outside of the four walls of the church. After the prayer, Monica, who was in leadership, was very excited, she said the church should enter the local fair this year with a booth, to tell people about Jesus,  it looked like everyone was determined to get this done. Praise God!

That night we went down to the pool and hot tub, we were in the hot tub for about 15 minutes when 3 girls and 3 guys in their early 20’s came into the hot tub. Art said jokingly you are taking a risk coming into the hot tub with 3 street preachers. Well for the next hour we talked to them about Jesus, sin, heaven and hell, our testimonies, we challenged them and asked them questions. It was awesome to be able to share with these young people.

2 girls were raised Catholic and they did not like religion; we told them we did not like religion either, but we love and follow a person, Jesus. One of the girls said she knew she was going to hell, the other girl said she believed this conversation happened for a reason, and she had seen us at Street Church, and she wanted to come down and help hand out food. One of the guys named Mathew, was raised in a Christian home, but was rebelling against God; he said my Dad would like to be here, he also said I have seen you guys preach outside in a park, I rollerblade past you guys all the time. One girl asked, do you always talk to people about Jesus? She seemed shocked that we were talking about there souls.

My prayer is that this would be the norm, that every Christian would naturally talk to strangers about their Lord and Savior. We challenged all of them that they now had a choice to make regarding what they would do with Jesus Christ, we gave them DVD’s to watch (where the gospel is preached, and testimonies shared).  Everyone left, but one guy stayed behind by himself in the hot tub, he did not say a word before this, Art stayed behind to talk further with him. The young man said he had been thinking alot about these things. These young people had just arrived for an entire week of parting (they told us they were going to get drunk everyday, and do drugs) and snowboarding, we are praying that this conversation would not leave their minds the entire trip, and that all of them would repent, and make a decision to follow Christ.

As we reflected on this awesome opportunity to witness, we thought about how we really do not need a relationship first in order to talk to people about Jesus. Strangers talk about things all the time, the weather, Flames games, dirty jokes, work, family, why not Jesus? I believe it is because this is the one thing satan wants us to keep to ourselves. If you are a boxer, you talk to strangers about boxing, if you are a Christian; you talk to people about Jesus. I personally remember every time someone witnessed to me, but I don’t remember many people who talked to me about the weather, or hockey, or were just “good people going to church”

I praise God for every Christian stranger who had the courage to share Jesus with me, when I was lost, even though they did not lead me to Christ they did plant a seed, I have no idea who these people are, but I am looking forward in thanking them in heaven for their boldness to talk to me, a stranger about eternal things. I knew Christians in my classes at school, and I had a relationship with them, but they never took the time to share Christ with me, yes they invited me to church, but that was all. They never left a seed of truth that the Holy Spirit could work with. Far be it that we keep this awesome gift of salvation, it is like having the cure for Aids, but keeping it to ourselves.

Bill Bright said that only 2% of the American Church regularly personally share there faith, it is time to get serious about souls!! Outside of the four walls of the church.

“If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned or unprayed for.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Live life in light of eternity

Street Church Testimony:

Alex a 19 year old, said he has been staying at the Mustard Seed, but last night he felt led to come down to the Drop In Centre location to hear the gospel, he heard and received Jesus. After we prayed over him, he said he felt a change inside, he was glowing. Alex will start Bible study on Wednesday with Bogden. Praise God!2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season.”…

Art, Daniel, and I were able to go to Windimere, BC, for the weekend, for a time of prayer, fellowship, and talk about the direction that God was leading us in.

Sunday we went to a Pentecostal church where God’s Spirit was present and working powerfully. God opened many doors after the service to talk to people in the congregation about evangelism. The Pastor stated that some of his best ministry years was when he was street preaching on Jasper Ave, in Edmonton. He said he also had been shut down by the police on a few occasions. We challenged him to start to do outreaches in his community. He was fired up and the new youth pastor was also excited.

We prayed for them, that there church would be intentional about soul winning outside of the four walls of the church. After the prayer, Monica, who was in leadership, was very excited, she said the church should enter the local fair this year with a booth, to tell people about Jesus,  it looked like everyone was determined to get this done. Praise God!

That night we went down to the pool and hot tub, we were in the hot tub for about 15 minutes when 3 girls and 3 guys in their early 20’s came into the hot tub. Art said jokingly you are taking a risk coming into the hot tub with 3 street preachers. Well for the next hour we talked to them about Jesus, sin, heaven and hell, our testimonies, we challenged them and asked them questions. It was awesome to be able to share with these young people.

2 girls were raised Catholic and they did not like religion; we told them we did not like religion either, but we love and follow a person, Jesus. One of the girls said she knew she was going to hell, the other girl said she believed this conversation happened for a reason, and she had seen us at Street Church, and she wanted to come down and help hand out food. One of the guys named Mathew, was raised in a Christian home, but was rebelling against God; he said my Dad would like to be here, he also said I have seen you guys preach outside in a park, I rollerblade past you guys all the time. One girl asked, do you always talk to people about Jesus? She seemed shocked that we were talking about there souls.

My prayer is that this would be the norm, that every Christian would naturally talk to strangers about their Lord and Savior. We challenged all of them that they now had a choice to make regarding what they would do with Jesus Christ, we gave them DVD’s to watch (where the gospel is preached, and testimonies shared).  Everyone left, but one guy stayed behind by himself in the hot tub, he did not say a word before this, Art stayed behind to talk further with him. The young man said he had been thinking alot about these things. These young people had just arrived for an entire week of parting (they told us they were going to get drunk everyday, and do drugs) and snowboarding, we are praying that this conversation would not leave their minds the entire trip, and that all of them would repent, and make a decision to follow Christ.

As we reflected on this awesome opportunity to witness, we thought about how we really do not need a relationship first in order to talk to people about Jesus. Strangers talk about things all the time, the weather, Flames games, dirty jokes, work, family, why not Jesus? I believe it is because this is the one thing satan wants us to keep to ourselves. If you are a boxer, you talk to strangers about boxing, if you are a Christian; you talk to people about Jesus. I personally remember every time someone witnessed to me, but I don’t remember many people who talked to me about the weather, or hockey, or were just “good people going to church”

I praise God for every Christian stranger who had the courage to share Jesus with me, when I was lost, even though they did not lead me to Christ they did plant a seed, I have no idea who these people are, but I am looking forward in thanking them in heaven for their boldness to talk to me, a stranger about eternal things. I knew Christians in my classes at school, and I had a relationship with them, but they never took the time to share Christ with me, yes they invited me to church, but that was all. They never left a seed of truth that the Holy Spirit could work with. Far be it that we keep this awesome gift of salvation, it is like having the cure for Aids, but keeping it to ourselves.

Bill Bright said that only 2% of the American Church regularly personally share there faith, it is time to get serious about souls!! Outside of the four walls of the church.

“If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned or unprayed for.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Live life in light of eternity

Street Church Testimony:

Alex a 19 year old, said he has been staying at the Mustard Seed, but last night he felt led to come down to the Drop In Centre location to hear the gospel, he heard and received Jesus. After we prayed over him, he said he felt a change inside, he was glowing. Alex will start Bible study on Wednesday with Bogden. Praise God!

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