January 31, 2025

Exciting times at Street Church

When we think about volunteers, and the hard work that is required to feed the poor and to bring the message of hope in the name of Jesus Christ, the first thing that can come to mind, is young strong men that can lift heavy loads, pack stuff, unload, setup, but the truth is in the Kingdom of God, not only young strong men are needed, not only the preachers are necessary but every aspect of the ministry needs willing workers. Whether it be the women that help prepare the food, the women that manage the tables, the homeless that pour out drinks for other homeless, the women that pray for our visitors and minister to their broken hearts, or little children that come and that go through the line up distributing cookies and other goodies, touching the hearts of all who come. When you teach the young people compassion, it will benefit people for generations to come. The point is this, in the Kingdom of God, everyone is needed and are as important as any other. That’s what makes the community of God, truly a family.

Recently, one of our most mature "princesses" (a true daughter of the King) has reached a new milestone. She celebrated her 85th birthday on the streets with us. Like Caleb, this lady, Joan Wood, has this amazing attitude that we can all learn from, to never give up, to always push forward and most importantly, she understands what this whole thing is all about, souls. At the end of all these years, she could take the approach that I have done my share, I kept my faith, but wait a minute that would sound like she was ready to depart and go home to Jesus. But she chooses something, that we believe is the way to go. Today is the day of salvation. Today a child of God, under every circumstance can be used by Him, and is, if only they will align their will to His will.

Joan comes to the streets, sometimes, when it’s very cold. She supports, encourages and prays for the ministry. She acts like a mother for many, proving once again that with our amazing God we all are playing a very significant role and it doesn’t matter how young or old, with whatever challenges we may have, God can use all of us to forward His love and compassion. Joan Wood, what a precious woman, she fought against the Nazis during the Second World War for the freedoms you and I enjoy now, and today she still fights in the Kingdom of God for every soul that God brings in her path. That’s the way to live, Joan, thank you.

Here are a few pictures of her birthday party on the streets in front of City Hall at the Church without walls:

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In the picture above, we are serving

sparkling apple juice, not real

chapagne (for those who may be



Jacek, our Polish friend, who was formerly a catholic, decided to follow Jesus. He made his decision public through believers baptism, this summer, in the river between Prince’s Island Park and Eau Claire Market. We went down to the river and he took the plunge for Jesus. The cross before him the world behind him, no turning back, no turning back. It was a joyous occasion and the angels were rejoicing in heaven at this new brother’s commitment to stand for Jesus and to live for Jesus from that day on. Jacek has shown himself to be a wonderful asset to the ministry through genuine and faithful selfless service. He repeatedly demonstrates what it means to be a servant of Christ and of his brothers and sisters in Christ. We can all learn from Jacek’s work ethic. He is dedicated and seemingly untiring in doing good to people around him. Praise God. May the Polish man be polished for God to shine everywhere he goes.

Here are a few pictures of his baptism:

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One last thing, if you are interested in hearing the story of Street Church, here is another opportunity. I am going to be speaking at a businessman’s fellowship in Medicine Hat at their Christmas Banquet. You are welcome to join me there as I am going to be sharing about the challenges and victories we encountered over the years in sharing the gospel on the streets of Calgary. Here is the poster which they made to advertise the event:

BMF Poster.jpg

You can register for the event on the Business Men’s Fellowship Medicine Hat: http://www.bmfmedicinehat.com/BMF_Medicine_Hat/Home_.html

Remember every opportunity to tell others about our wonderful saviour Jesus Christ is a blessing. Those kinds of opportunities are all around us every day. We can tell someone that Jesus has risen and that there is hope and that no matter what happens, or is happening around us, that God the creator of the heavens and the earth is in control.

God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

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