February 22, 2025

Dr. Gerry Kibarabara comes Joins us in Canada

Gerry Kibarabara came at just the right time. The ministry has been through major battles, very victorious ones, but never the less very tiring ones. What everyone needed was that God would send someone to encourage and refresh us. I remember talking to my wife as she was saying, what we need right now is a prophet of God, to speak to us and if needs be, to correct us. You see, every one of us in the Kingdom of God is needed some are called to be the tip of the spear others to encourage uplift and again others are to rebuke and correct and at times, we all can be used in any of those capacities. The same Spirit is at work in all of us who are in Christ Jesus. God is so amazing that every time when such things are needed, He always sends one of His faithful servants and through the years, I learned that He never leaves us or forsakes us and that His desire is always to comfort us and when we are on the right track, to confirm that we are. For such a task, quite often, He uses men. When you think of that, it is truly amazing, that the Holy of Holies would use a fallible person like you and me.

During his visit in Calgary, Gerry Kibarabara was a huge blessing to many. He preached to young adults, from Centre Street Church, and was able to pray for many people. His life’s testimony is truly a miracle of God. By the end of His visit we received so much spiritual meat that for months to come there will be much to think about and pray about. One of the most powerful lessons, was to hear his stories of many wonderful openings the Lord provided Him, including anointing dozens of kings, meeting with heads of states, leading over one million people crusades, and yet at the same time staying so humble as he truly understands that all of that comes through the mercy and grace of God and His Kingdom.

Gerry spoke with us about the men of the Bible that had great confidence in God’s power and faithfulness. He shared about Joshua and Caleb, that although God gifted them differently, that they shared the same confidence that with man certain things are impossible, certain enemies undefeatable, but with God all things are possible and all battles, although He uses men to wage them, belong to the Lord. Joshua and Caleb were of a different spirit then the rest of the Israelites and Gerry encouraged us to be of such a spirit. The Spirit of God that conquers and wins, when the battle would be otherwise unwinable, because with God you are always victorious.

As Gerry said it himself, "you are not permitted, in Christ, to lose. We were not anointed to fail. Whosoever and whatsoever is born of God must overcome."

Here are some pictures from his visit.




Here we see Gerry ministering to young adults from Centre Street Church at Prince’s Island Park.


At the end of the event, many came forward for prayer.


I had the pleasure and privilege to wash both the feet of my wife, and the feet of Gerry to honor them for their service and commitment to God.


Gerry then proceeded to teach us from the Word of God and to share some pearls of wisdom, he gleaned over the years of ministry.


Gerry prayed for and blessed people from our fellowship saying, "receive your blessings from God". He was used prophetically to let us know that God is opening a new chapter in our individual lives and also for the Street Church ministry.


Gerry then spoke to and prayed for a new evangelism team from a Jesus our Salvation Church. That started their outreach that day (the whole congregation went out together to pray for and preach and minister to people on Stephen Avenue Mall.

There is a beautiful truth about the Kingdom of God that even though we may be are separated by the ocean and thousands of miles, we still share the same Spirit. Gerry Kibarabara lives in Kenya, ministers on a different continent, but he is a wonderful brother, and we share a common Father, the creator of the Heavens and the Earth.

I will leave you with these quotes that I took from Gerry’s preaching. I believe they are like little gems that we should meditate on.

"Take your position in Christ", in other words, you have to know who you are and step up to your call. If you don’t know who you are, it will be impossible for you to forward the Kingdom of God. A lion knows that it’s a lion not a chicken.

"Take Jesus at His own word", the mighty God has spoken, that means that it is the law and the truth. You will never fail when you will put your trust in His words.

The next quote I am going to share with you is very personal to me, because over the years I have been robbed, in my life from many promises which I know one day my God is going to repay.

"Satan is not permitted to reap your benefits and promises." You see the promises of God belong to His people, to His children. They are yours for the taking. So go and take them.

We will remember our time with Gerry with great fondness and joy. Please remember to pray for Africa, especially in this time of drought, famine and starvation. We know that this is just the beginning of our partnership, with Dr. Gerry Kibarabara.


In the past two months, over 100,000 people have died in one of the worst disasters of our lifetime. We were able to send Gerry back with some funds to start a chicken farm to help provide meat for brothers and sisters over there. If you feel led to contribute to the mission in Africa dedicated to serving and blessing the Kenyan people, please send your contribution to the Street Church address with a memo that the funds are for the African mission.

The Street Church Address is:

1744 – 25A Street SW
Calgary, AB
T3C 1J9

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