February 22, 2025

Do not be afraid, but speak!

Acts 18:9, 10 “…Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.”

We praise God for His word to us, not to be afraid, but to speak.

God showed up on Friday, we saw 5 people receive Christ, and no one was arrested.

We received 2 tickets, one for amplification, and the other for distributing food.

We talked with the Bylaw and they said they were still open to talk, but they wanted to see that we respected them, so they asked us not to show up for Street Church at Triangle Park for Sunday and Monday. We said yes to this, because we do respect them, and we want to work it out. So we will be meeting probably on Thursday, and hopefully will be able to put this all behind us. We just want to preach the gospel to the lost, and feed the poor.

Since we did not have the Triangle Park location last night, God put on our hearts to restart 3 new locations, Mustard Seed, Salvation Army (outside), and Millennium Park. We had a huge Army of workers last night and we were all blessed. We also have a prayer team that stays behind inside the chapel at the Salvation Army, who covers us in prayer.

Mustard Seed: 4 people made decisions for Jesus, and some persecution, a water balloon was thrown from an apartment building hitting one of the volunteers in the face.

Millennium Park: Glass bottles were thrown at Louis while he was preaching, and after 15 minutes, five young men were coming towards them with broken glass in plastic bags, threatening to hurt Louis and the team. They decided to leave, and leave quickly! This location is a skate board park, where a lot of youth hang out, but also is a place where many young kids get hooked on drugs.

Louis said he would be back next week, he needs our prayers!

Salvation Army: Was very peaceful, many people were taking Bibles, and 3 men received Jesus. Praise God!!!

We thank the Lord for His protection and continued blessings of seeing souls saved. I am also encouragement by the amount of volunteers who came out on Friday night, who were all ready to go to jail for the gospel, and for a ministry where they have seen so many awesome works of God. What a growing experience to count the cost and say my life is in Your hands Lord. We are called to obey God, and leave the consequences to him, no matter what the cost. We commit all of our ministry into God’s hands for it is His to do as He wills.

We just know our calling and vision from God has not changed: He has called us to preach the gospel outside of the 4 walls of the church, to meet lost people where they are at with the saving message of Jesus Christ. To raise up men and women of God who will fearlessly go and be a light in the darkness, intentional soul winners, not one man being responsible for leading people to Christ, but a whole army going out being fishers of men. Satan can stop one man a whole lot easier then an entire army commited to Jesus, and His work of seeking and saving the lost.

Live life in light of eternity

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