March 11, 2025

Blessing and Persecution, Festival and Court


First of all we would like to thank everyone who volunteered and helped out at our annual Easter festival.  Our gratitude and the Lord’s blessings.

In the midst of block after block of drug deals and violence, solemn faces and broken lives, on a Sunday morning, BBQ’s, tables, banners and halleluiahs went up in one of Calgary’s most notorious parks. It must be street Church, and it must be our annual Easter celebration.

I can still smell the triple AAA steaks fresh off the BBQ!

Thanks to Centre Street church we were able to cook all those steaks to each man’s preference. It was so beautiful to see George, who we first met and preached to in the Drumheller prison, sharing His testimony, serving food, and helping us with worship. What a blessing to see Him so fired up for Jesus. From a gangster doing terrible things, to a man who loves and serves the poor.

During that day we ministered to many people twelve of which prayed to receive salvation. Praise God we did not lack anything, but once again the Lord has proven that he is our provider. We fed hundreds of people, and most importantly, every one of them including the police, bylaw officers, parking control, and food inspectors, heard about the awesome hope we have in our Lord Jesus Christ (our faithful congregation of civil servants honoured us with their presence-and they promise to send summons and tickets).

Overall it was a peaceful and calm day, with the sun shining on us. The next day treated us to snow and wind, what an awesome God we serve! The Lord is so faithful, there is always enough food and always enough spiritual food for all who come.

“Come all you who are thirsty, Come to the waters and you who have no money, come buy and eat! Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost, why spend money on what is not bread and your labour on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good and your soul will delight in the riches of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me that your soul may live.”

Isaiah 55:1-3

Once again, by the grace of God, we were able to lift up the nation, before the throne of God, outside the courts, by singing amazing grace, the national anthem and we prayed for the ones that persecute us.

Inside we had a packed courtroom which was standing room only.

City officials dragged us before the courts seeking an injunction, and think about it, over a hundred people that Monday, on the 31st of March, could possibly be arrested for feeding the homeless and giving them hope. Is that not ridiculous?

This is our beloved Canada, and who would imagine that helping the poor is now considered a terrible crime punishable by prison time. If our forefathers, that built this country, on the Word of God, giving up their riches, old countries, and some of them, their lives, would see what their descendants are doing right now, they would drop dead.

Despite the opposition, we continue to keep hope, if God is for us who can be against us? Through this turmoil God still shows up and there are many that are blessed and off the streets.

To help one of them is worth living for.

Lets live life in light of eternity,

Louis Formaz-Preston & Artur Pawlowski

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