March 30, 2025

Ask and shall be given to you.

Finally after a very long winter, there comes the long awaited spring. With spring there comes a clean-up time. During this time we go around the house and repair what was damaged during the times of snow and cold temperatures. We plant flowers and make our homes and backyards as pleasant as possible. We believe that this is a perfect opportunity for a little TLC (Tender Loving Care) at Street Church. We need to replace some of the equipment, banners etc. As you can see from the pictures below some things are desperately crying for help and mercy.

In the word of God Jesus says to all of us: “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. “For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened…” Luke 11:9-10

Well then, we are asking, can you help us replace some of those items? We are knocking to your hearts, will you help us buy some of the things that are needed for the ministry? We are seeking brothers and sisters that will come to the table and support this time of clean-up, so we can take care of the needs of the poor in the nice and presentable way. After all we are representing the King of kings and the Lord of lords. If God puts a desire in to your hearth to buy one or more items necessary to operate this ministry, send the funds through the Paypal page (

We know that Jesus will open some of the hearts and by the end of the spring we will have what is needed for the service of this Great King and the poor people on the streets of Calgary.

God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19:17

New barbecue costs about 200$. We use on average one per year.


Banner like this one would cost about 300 hundred dollars.


Banner like this one would require a good willing heart to stitch it up.


Sandwich signs about 120$


This one was quite expensive because of its size 700$


Folding tables, we need four of them 60$ each.


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