March 30, 2025

Are you ready to take back your city in Jesus Christ name!

Prayer Vigil at Calgary City Hall May 21, 2016. Worship at Princes Island Park (Enmax Stage) on Saturday, May 28th. The March for Jesus on June 19th!

Are you ready to take back your city in Jesus Christ name!

Women and men of God, we invite you to come to this special prayer time at the heart of the city. There is no better place to lift our voices to the One that holds all the answers in the palm of His hands, than City Hall where all of the decisions regarding the city are being made.

The times are bad and difficult, but also, they are filled with many opportunities. This is one of them. God hears a heart that truly wants to seek Him and His righteousness. Let us humble ourselves before the living God and let us plead our case before Him.

This is the time to unite! This is the time to forgive each other! This is the time to move forward like David before the Philistines. We need courage and boldness! We need to take back our Country. Will you fight in the Spirit of the Lord with us?

We are calling all that are in distress, in debt and troubled by what is going on in our beloved Canada and in our city of Calgary to come to our cave of Adullam (City Hall in Calgary).

This is a call for the serious believers, prayer warriors, for the brave and the mighty in the Lord. Will you stand with your brothers and sisters in solidarity? Will you come to one place and unite our efforts in prayer? Please talk to your leaders, ask them to come. Let them lead us by example. If we are truly one, let’s show that to the world. May they know us by our unity and by our love for one and another.

Let us take back what the enemy has stolen and present ourselves in one place before the One and only Living God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us not allow the enemy to intimidate us any longer. Let us become like the man of old united with one heart, at the gates of our city! At the Calgary City Hall!

David departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam. And when his brothers and all his father’s house heard it, they went down there to him. And everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was bitter in soul, gathered to him. 1 Samuel 22:1-2

After this prayer meeting on the 21st of May, there will be a worship at Princes Island Park (Enmax Stage) on Saturday, May 28th from 12:00PM to 6:00PM. Please let us know if your Church would like to participate and honour God in this beautiful park. On June 19th, we will once again unite with thousands of other believers during the March for Jesus. The event will be taking place on Fathers Day Sunday where we will march from Millennium Park to Olympic Plaza and have prayer and worship time honouring our Heavenly Father. Also, after the march there will be a free BBQ for all who are hungry and bouncy castles for the kids. We will spend this time together like a true family that we are. If your Church would like to bring their own float or music team please let us know.

P.S. All of the events are with permits and approvals necessary to conduct them. Let’s exercise our rights in the public square while we still have them!

Contact info: 403-607-4434 or by e-mail [email protected]

Bless You in the name of Jesus Christ!


Three most important events in Calgary that you do not want to miss this year!

City Hall Prayer Vigil Banner



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