March 28, 2025

2010 an Amazing Year of Breakthroughs

Praise God, against all odds, and in the face of the devil, with everything stacked against us, we find ourselves in the humbling place of realizing just how much God has done this year, through this ministry. He is so gracious, so merciful, so kind and so awesome. We have seen the tide turning, and only One is able to get the credit, God!

City Wide Youth Rally Out in the Open

We were granted permission by the City of Calgary to use the Enmax stage and park for the first annual City Wide Youth Rally, and even though not many decided to come, due to snowy and cold weather, it was symbolically an amazing victory. Those who came and stayed until the end, entered in and overcame many obstacles to worship and pray corporately in the outdoors. It was also a great time to test our sound system and worship teams for the upcoming March for Jesus. We broke through and in a big circle everyone declared blessings over the city and over the upcoming March for Jesus, for unity and a mighty move of God!

March for Jesus returned to Calgary


We were so excited to see the March for Jesus return to Calgary after ten years of absence from our city. What a privilege to honour our heavenly Father during Father’s Day and how truly special it was to proclaim Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords over the City over our province and over Canada and the nations of the world. It was truly one of the best days of our lives, to sing and worship, in one spirit, with thousands of like minded believers is something that we will never forget. There was such a unity that we have not seen among the churches for years. May this be just the beginning of a great awakening, that united we stand but divided we fall. We are happy to announce that because the March for Jesus ran in Calgary this year two other marches were inspired and ran in two other cities in North America. Also, we have been contacted by churches from the capital of City of Poland, Warsaw, asking for our assistance to organize a March for Jesus there. Praise God. We will never know what our obedience will spark around the world. To visit the official March for Jesus website go to (

Court Victories

On November 1, another judge slapped the City for overstepping their legal authority, calling their behaviour arbitrary, and giving Street Church total victory, saying that the bylaws that the Church was charged with were unconstitutional, and rendered the laws of no force and effect. What a mighty and powerful God we serve, the Lamb that was slain, but also the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

Street Church in Poland

Poland Street Church

Poland Street Church

When we went to Poland this year we went with a strong message; a message of inspiration and a challenge to obey the Great Commission of the Lord to go out into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. The result was that seven churches took up the call, joined their forces together and went to the streets. On September 1, 2010 officially marked the beginning of Street Church Poland, we went to the streets together, in one spirit, into one of the country’s most recognizable places; the Cultural Palace, the transportation hub of the city where tens of thousands of people come through. We are even more excited to announce that Street Church Poland is thriving, now (only four months later) eleven churches and two more cities (Poznan and Lodz) are in the process of organizing their own Street Churches. To visit the Street Church in Poland website go to

Jesus’ Knights March on Calgary

Knights March Outreach

Knights 1342.JPG

We were able to, for the first time, to do an evangelism outreach dressed as medieval knights with swords and shields on Stephen Avenue Mall, at City Hall and outside the entrance of the Calgary Stampede grounds. What a great way to spark an interest in the message of the gospel. People were very interested and attracted to hearing what we had to say. We worshipped and prayed openly on the street and had many conversations with non-believers about Christ and salvation.

Regular Ministry on the Streets

Almost every day, there is something going on with Street Church in Calgary. Four times a week, right in the open, at the steps of City Hall, feeding the poor and preaching the gospel. A church where the name of Jesus Christ is lifted high for all to see. We believe that this is one of the greatest miracles that God would establish His church at the gates of the city where His name can be worshipped, in truth and in Spirit and where His message can be heard by all. During this year, we were allowed to share words from the Lord with politicians from all three levels of government including meeting with MPs and the Prime Minister. It’s such a privilege to be ambassadors of this King, that created the heavens and the earth, to bring His righteousness before the authorities of this land.

Christmas Festival


As in other years, we had the opportunity, during this season to let everyone know that this time we celebrate, not Santa, not shopping, but a living saviour, that came and died so we all can live. Again, we had tripple-A steaks, shishcabobs and gifts for hundreds to enjoy. We also were blessed to have been granted permission from the courts to play a movie on a big screen right in front of City Hall. We had a great time.

We are thanking all the volunteers for coming and sharing and participating in the great work of Christ throughout the year. All the victories that God Himself granted to us belong to you as well. Because you have showed yourself faithful through hard times and good, God will reward you as He is the rewarder of the righteous and those who have proven by their works that they truly love Him. As Judge A. Brown recognized in her ruling (Judge Brown’s Ruling ) relating to Street Church’s conduct, “Love is Action” and every one of you that worked, stood and supported this mission field has shown true love in action. So, thank you in the name of Jesus Christ. May the next year be filled with even greater victories and may there be an outbreak of the Holy Spirit across our nation. Remember, the bigger the Goliath, the greater the sound when he falls.

To watch our newest video

We ask that you keep Street Church in your prayers and that you would pray for next year’s March for Jesus.

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