March 28, 2025

What We Do, Locations and Times

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

We meet on the streets three times a week and inside the building, every Saturday 9:30 AM, Sunday 9 AM and Wednesday 6:30 PM.

On the streets In front of Calgary City Hall: Wednesday 11:30 AM, Friday 5:30 PM, Sunday 1 PM.

In the building * The Fortress (Cave) of Adullam, every Saturday 9:30 am and Sunday 9:00 am! Time of worship, testimonies, preaching. Bible study every Wednesday 6:30 pm. The address is: 4315 26 Avenue SE, Calgary.

For more information call: 403-607-4434 or email: [email protected]

If you would like to help, you can donate by using e-transfer: [email protected], by using our website:, PayPal (info on the website) or you can send your support by cheque to the address here: 1740 25 A Street SW Calgary Alberta Canada T3C1J9 Street Church, Artur Pawlowski.

Thank you and bless you!


Street Church Ministries is a multi-denominational, multi-ethnical ministry of believers, who have been reborn in the spirit of the Lord, coming together to take part in the call of Acts 1:8. Our vision is to give everyone an opportunity to respond to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the full Gospel. We envision a Street Church in every city and town in Canada, and around the world.

Street Church Ministries is involved in evangelism every week in the city of Calgary where we go out by the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the full gospel, giving everyone the opportunity to respond to Jesus. We know that there is power in the simple message of the gospel.

In Romans 15:18, the Apostle Paul states, “For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and round about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.”

If the focus is on just one part of the gospel, it will not have its full impact. But by focusing on all four areas which Paul talks about (word, deed, miracles and wonders, and the power of the Spirit) we see God work in powerful and amazing ways, just like He did in the book of Acts. By proclaiming the fullness of the gospel, (the truth about Gods wrath, justice, righteousness, and hell, along with the truth about Gods mercy, love, forgiveness, and heaven) we know the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of men and women to Jesus, for it is only the truth that sets people free.


A few times a year, Street Church holds festivals for the poor, the homeless and for less fortunate families.  We serve steaks, give gifts, we have a full festival with worship, prayer, and of course preaching.  At some of the events we have as many as two thousand homeless show up to partake.

Four Times a Week

We preach the gospel at the steps of City Hall.  During the years, God shifted our ministry from preaching just to the poor and the homeless, to preaching to politicians and business people, that leave and enter City Hall.  At the same time, every week, we feed thousands of homeless, and yet we have an opportunity to proclaim Jesus to all creation, to the rich and the poor.  Since 2007, all have the chance through the preaching of salvation by repentance to receive His love, grace and mercy.  He died for all who will believe and turn from their wicked ways.

We Meet at the Steps of City Hall

Wednesday 11:40 am

Friday 5:00 pm

Sunday 1:00 pm

“I will thank you, Lord, in front of all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations.” (Psalm 57:9)

Additionally, three times a week, we hold prayer and discipleship meetings (for more information call for details – 403-607-4434 or e-mail: [email protected]).

Sunday Church Service at the Gates of the City

“Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church – about three thousand in all. They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord’s Supper and in prayer.” (Acts 2:41-42)

Held at the steps of City Hall. The homeless and passers by alike all gather to take part in outdoor church service, “under the biggest roof in the world.” Street Church Ministries has surrendered this service totally to the Holy Spirit, by having as little structure as possible in order to allow the flesh not to get in the way of what God wants to do. We encourage all believers to be ready to be used in powerful ways when they come to Street Church. Regularly, Street Church has prayer, worship, the Lords supper, teaching from the word, the gospel is shared and testimonies are given. An altar call is given and those who make a decision for Christ have the opportunity to be baptized – in the Bow River.

We rely on the Holy Spirit to work through us in order to witness for Jesus – by His power, not our own. We have seen the truth in Jesus’ words in John 6:63, “It is the Spirit who gives eternal life; the flesh profits nothing”.

We partner with many churches and Christian organizations because we recognize that when more believers come together in a city, the more impact will be made for the cause of Christ. As a result of God’s direction, there is now a new Street Church growing in the community of Forest Lawn in Calgary.

Media and Edification

Street Church regularly speaks on TV and Radio programs on different moral and social issues from God’s point of view, and has a regular broadcast on TV three times a week called Evangelism in Action airing Internationally on over 150 million satellite dishes.
If you would like to get involved or feel God’s leading to start a Street Church in your community, visit Get Involved or contact us today.

3 thoughts on “What We Do, Locations and Times

  • Chris Purvis

    hi i am starting my very own street church in Penticton, British Columbia , my name is Chris Purvis and I know Monty from back in 2012 when him and some men baptized me in the river. thank you and write me back please.

    • That’s a great news!!! Please let us know if you need anything 403-607-4434
      Artur Pawlowski

  • Paul Kehinde Okelezo

    I love this church and the Godly activities been carried out. I am so impressed. I pray God will continue to give you more wisdom and grace to do more. I wish to be part of you. thank you and God bless.

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