March 28, 2025

Drum News

First Sunday of every month we go to Drumheller Men’s Prison. We went on Sunday April 1. Pray for us as we prepare to go in next month May 6

Even though we didn’t see any Salvations we had a time of Worship, Prayer, and Fellowship with the guys from both Maximum and Medium.  All the guys where Christians and knew the Lord. We are starting to see regular faces and they look forward to our next return.

We are starting to make friendships and forming relationships so they felt comfortable to come to us and share there concerns so that we could pray for them..They dont want to stay the same way that they had come into Prison in the first place.  It was also a time on encouragements!

Goodluck 1 and Goodluck 2 preached up a storm…They just love that African way of preaching.  Halleujah, Praise God, God is good all the time.  They seem to really respond, and it gives them a chuckle.  As usual the Worship team really knows how to rock up the place.

  • One of the guys finally had his Wedding in Prison, March 23.
  • One guy is getting out on this long wkend pass and is going to meet and look us up at the Festival, he wants us to meet his family as well.
  • Two guys are getting out permanently, 1 to Edmonton, and 1 to Calgary. So we encouraged them to get into a good church and to remember good accountable mentors.  We prayed for them as well
  • The one coming to calgary is wanting to be part of our Street Church until he gets into a regular church (He wants to pray and do the Lord’s will on this issue, (maybe He’ll stay with us.)
  • one of the Chaplains let us pray for him too, with regards to all of the struggles that  he has to deal with on a day to day basis.
  • Our worship team member is also gettng out and going to Edmonton. We wished him well and prayed with him before we left.

As usual Goodluck led us into a time of prayer on the way home.  We thanked the Lord for what he has done and will be doing in those dark walls.  We prayed alot and rejoiced and sang praises to the Lord, before we knew it we where back in Calgary.

Please keep this Ministry in your prayers..BELIEVE IT OR NOT WE DO  HAVE FUN IN PRISON!! If the Lord has placed it upon your heart to come, email Lawrence or myself for the forms.

Oh I just about forgot, Art and Kristian lots of the inmates have been asking about you, and want to know why you are not coming in.  So please be prepared to come next month, they do miss us when we can’t make it there for whatever reason.  You both mean alot to these men who have been asking about you.


Kingdom Blessings til next time
God Bless
donna muirhead

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