March 31, 2025

Jesus Week in the Polish Tri-City



A Week for Jesus, one of the biggest Christian events of this Summer will start in the Council of Europe Park in Gdynia on the 28th of June with a concert of the popular gospel choir TGD. Through July 5-th, there will be an opportunity to participate in meetings with interesting people, workshops and concerts of popular Christian musicians, such as New Life M or Grzegorz Kloc. The last day of the festival will see a joyful March of Jesus, parading the streets of Gdańsk.

Among the organizers of the first edition of the Jesus Week are representatives of many Christian denominations. The common vision of this Summer evangelistic event, full of cultural attractions, is under the patronage of Member of Parliament John Abraham Godson. The festival will open with a special concert of the TGD choir, directed by Piotr Nazaruk. TGD (in Polish: The Third Hour of The Day) is one of the oldest and most popular Polish pop-gospel groups. The band also experiments with other styles of music, boldly drawing on hip-hop, contemporary praise and worship, and sometimes even elements of traditional Polish folk songs.

On the last day of June, the New Life M band will play a concert on the Sopot pier. The band combines pop, soul, blues, funk and jazz music to create mature artistic forms. The members of the group, Joachim Mencel and Piotr Jankowski are prominent Polish insturmentalists. We can contribute the impressive jazz accents in the bands music to their influence. The group owes its recognition and popularity to pieces composed by the pianist, Joachim Mencel, with lyrics written by his wife Beata, such as „Twoja miłość” (Your Love), „Z całej duszy” (With All My Soul) or „Zakochałam się na 100%” (100% Sure I’m In Love). The first lead singer of the band was Mietek Szcześniak, later replaced by Natalia Niemen, who in turn was suceeded by Basia Włodarska. At the moment the lead voice of the group is Agnieszka Musiał.

The Jesus Week will be conluded with a concert of the well known group Sixteen, headed by Grzegoc Kloc. The artist has been playing Christian music for many years, combining different styles of music, such as pop, rock and praise&worship. At the end of May this year Grzegorz released the video clip of his new song “Return of Lasarus”. The song quickly reached first place in video clip popularity ranking on the website. During the festival we will also have the opportunity to see Tomasz Żółtko (best known for his hit song “Kochaj mnie I dotykaj” (Love Me, Touch Me), Przed Nami, Adam Sawicki, CorTuum, Holy Guns and others.

More than concerts

During the Jesus Week there will also be many meetings with interesting guests. The Head of the Supervisory Board of KOPEX S.A., billionaire Krzysztof Jędrzejewski will come to the Tri-City to speak about applying Christian ethics in the marketplace. A very special guest of the Festival will be Artur Pawłowski – founder of the Canadian mission ministry called Street Church. The ministry distributes 200,000 meals to the homeless of Calgary every year. It also works as an evangelistic outreach, going into the darkest parts of the city with the Good News. Artur Pawłowski has been arrested and sued by the city authorities a number of times for the work he is doing. However, he won every case, claiming his constitutional rights. He is a frequent guest on TV, sharing about social issues and freedom of speech. Artur Pawłowski is also the organiser of Marches for Jesus, among other in Poland and Canada. Almost 5,000 people, including representatives of the biggest Christian churches, participated in this year’s March for Jesus in Warsaw.

March for Jesus

The Tri-City March for Jesus will definitely be the headliner of the whole Festival. It will start on July 5th at 2pm in Okopowa Street in Gdansk. Believers from many denominations will march together to manifest their faith in the Savior. According to the organizers, the event is meant to show the local community that we need to clearly stand up for Christian values, in times of moral relativism, when values are taken so lightly, negated and mocked by liberal opinion leaders. – We want to show that living a life which meets Christian moral standards is full of joy, peace and love – says the head of the organizational committee of the Jesus Week, Jerzy Przeradowski. The final stop of the March will be in Długi Targ, where a special concert concluding the Jesus Week will take place by the Green Gate.

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